Weapon & Armour Traits

Weapon & Armour Traits are non-magical attributes that grant minor perks or penalties to the item's user. Traits can be selected during character creation or encountered naturally over the course of an adventure. When chosen during character creation, no more than one trait can be selected for a single piece of equipment.  

Weapon Traits

NameDescriptionPrice ModifierPrerequisites
DaintyWeapon has a -1 to damage rolls.-5 gp-
DeadlyWeapon has a +1 to damage rolls.+5 gp-
DelicateWeapon is destroyed on a natural 1.-15 gp-
FerociousWeapon scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20.+25 gp-
PreciseWeapon has a +1 to attack rolls.+5 gp-
TameWeapon cannot score a critical hit.-25 gp-
UnwieldyWeapon has a -1 to attack rolls.-5 gp-

Armour Traits

NameDescriptionPrice ModifierPrerequisites
ComfortableArmour can be slept in with no penalty.+10 gp-
CumbersomeArmour imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.-50 gp-
ImpregnableArmour negates critical hits.+200 gpHeavy
NoisyArmour imposes disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.-50 gp-
ReinforcedArmour grants a +1 to AC.+100 gpMedium or Heavy
Resistant (Bludgeoning)Armour grants resistance to Bludgeoning damage. Does not stack with other Resistant traits.+50 gp-
Resistant (Piercing)Armour grants resistance to Piercing damage. Does not stack with other Resistant traits.+50 gpHeavy
Resistant (Slashing)Armour grants resistance to Slashing damage. Does not stack with other Resistant traits.+50 gpMedium or Heavy
ShoddyArmour imposes a -1 to AC.-100 gpMedium or Heavy
Vulnerable (Bludgeoning)Armour imposes vulnerability to Bludgeoning damage.-50 gp-
Vulnerable (Piercing)Armour imposes vulnerability to Piercing damage.-50 gp-
Vulnerable (Slashing)Armour imposes vulnerability to Slashing damage.-50 gp-