
Sitting high atop the mountains of the Irrena Summit is the main temple complex connected to the Pillar of the Sky. Surrounded by snow and a beautiful scenery, Kazemei covers multiple mountains and cliffs as it embraces the name given by the monks. It is here, where the winds of life begin and end.   Reaching the Kazemei complex is no easy task. With the premise located high up the mountains, it takes at least two days of travelling from the Irrena Summit itself. The pathways one needs to take are also not for the fainthearted. It involves much climbing and working ones way through the rocks. Narrow passages wrinkle through the mountains and along cliff edges. Many dwarfs refrain from visiting the temple for this reason, and visit the monestaries that are better reachable instead.  

General Layout

Kazemei covers multiple mountain tops and cliffsides where it houses multiple buildings connected to Te Akoranga. There are three layers that connect everything together. Some are accessible to everyone, while others require the ablitity of hovering and climbing to reach.  

Main Temple Grounds

The main temple grounds are accessible for everyone who is capable of making their way to the complex. Once arriving at the complex, there is a bath house at the right side which also has the facilities to do laundry. A bit further on the left side is a group of small houses for pilgrims and visitors. Even further in the distance, larger houses rise up on the horizon which serve as living quartiers for the high priests at the temple.   When following the path, one arrives at a large square with a status in the middle that represents the dwarfish interpretation of Hrym. On the left side of the square is a large dining hall for everyone to visit. On the right side is a lane that leads to two temples. The closest temple that is almost adjacent to the square, is the Temple of the Wind, dedicated to Gao. Further down, one stumbles upon the Temple of the Clouds, dedicated to Yea. At the head of the square, build on the edge of the mountain top, is the largest building and temple on the complex. This building is Kazemei, the main temple dedicated to Hrym.  

Priest Grounds

The mountain tops below the main temple grounds are not as easily accessible as the main temple grounds, where most tourists and pilgrims will be. This layer is primarily comprised of smaller mountain tops or cliff edges that give just enough space to fit a building. There are four plateaus with a building each.   On the leftmost side is the uniquely shaped Temple of Energy, dedicated to Luth. It is possible to reach this temple from the main grounds by traversing a very steep set of stairs that has been carved out of the mountain side. On the plateau next to the temple is a library that is half build into the cliff itself. On the mountain top on other side of Kazemei are the dormitories for the priests of Hyrm. Finally, on the rightmost wing is a small outside altar.  

Monk Grounds

Lastly, on the large plateau underneath the priest grounds, are the monk grounds. Without the ability to hover or fly, it is impossible to reach this level. It is here where the monks live in small houses with their bretheren. The waterfall nearby gives them the opportunity for a quick wash. Another altar can be found on the cliff edge with a small square attached to it for smaller ceremonies among the acolytes. On the right side of this plateau is an enormous lush garden where they grow many crops to sustain themselves. It is also here where many Shimura are found.   If one were to take a good look around these grounds, they will find a relatively large crack in the mountain side. One that is just large enough for an oversized dwarf to walk into. Following the path of that crack brings one to the Temple of Light, dedicated to Aitro.  


There are many buildings in the Kazemei complex. Some are temples, others are facilities for the people living or visiting the complex. While it is not a building, the gardens are an important part of the premise.  

Temples & Altars

The temples are of course a most important part of the complex and the reason people try to reach it, albeit often unsuccessfully. There are multiple temples and altar scattered around these sacred grounds.  


Alternative Names
Hrym's Home
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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