
Everything needs a name. Names are crucial in all societies of Hesli as it represents people, objects, resources and much more. Because of its significance, they are not given lightly. Most people put thought in the names they give to their children, a new resource, a village or city. However, not everyone has the time and the feel to name. That is where namesmithers come into play.  

What makes a good name?

For centuries, people have been researching the value of a name and what it takes to make it succeed. There are a few keypoints that they have uncovered so far. Not all of these have to be ticked off, but it is often a combination.  
A name has to fit
People associate names with objects or people. This seems to be a natural process based on feeling. Where that comes from is still to be discovered. However, it is clear that a name has to fit in a sense. Giving a sturdy object and "soft" name does not make sense and therefore likely would not fit according to the people.  
Nah, they don't sounds like an Ashley... They're definitely more a Kaitlyn.
A name has to flow
People say names very often. That does not mean the name must be easy to pronounce per se, but it does have to flow naturally. If the flow is not there, people usually start giving it a different name that does flow for them. The flow of a name is heavily influenced on the culture and the language they speak.  
A name must have a meaning
In some cases, it is important that the name represents a certain meaning. This meaning could be a description, or have special meaning to a group of people. For instance, Dunfaern is the capital city of Vallahir. Faern means 'home' in dwarfish and 'dun' is often used to indicate that something is located underground. Since the capital is an underground city, Dunfaern becomes the perfect name for the city as it has a descriptive meaning. Another example is names being passed down for generations to honour family members.  

From hobby to Profession

Not everyone has a feel for giving names, but some people seem to have a knack for it. Dorothea Nomeni is regarded the founder of the Namesmithing profession. She grew up in Golani where her knack for naming developed. During school, her teachers noticed how easily she would provide names in her creative writing. Word about her ability spread quickly.   Over the years, people began asking Dorothea to name things for them. Understanding that she has a unique ability, she set up a business and began charging people for creating fitting names. Her reputation grew well outside of Golani. More business kept pouring in with requests for names, but also more people wanting to learn the art of naming.   Dorothea began to teach others her way of making names. However, to keep her methods a close secret, she made her students sign a contract and turned naming into a profession. These days, Namesmithers coming from the Dorothea Naming Institute are the only ones licenced to give out names and get paid for it.
Alternative Names

Laughing Stock

The Namesmither is the laughing stock among the smithing professions. All smiths work with their hands, but the namesmithers don't. It is how they got their nickname 'nameshitters', because all they have to do is sit there and come up with something.  
Have you seen what they do at those namesmithing offices? I bet they're just toilets all around where they just crap out names that people seem to like. That's not a proper profession, is it?!
— An armoursmith

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


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