Lilith Character in Hidn | World Anvil


Lilith, the first woman, was fashioned from the rib of Adam by Yaldbaoth himself. Her creation was intended to instigate a sense of confusion and struggle in the mind of Adam. Yaldbaoth crafted Lilith to be a combative yet loving companion, one who desired equality with Adam but also wished to be seen as weaker. In the tranquil Garden of Eden, Lilith and Adam engaged in constant battles, each vying to fulfill the tasks assigned by Yaldbaoth. The enigmatic dynamics between them often led to heated disagreements, as Lilith sought to challenge the traditional roles that had been assigned to her.   As the mother of Cain and Abel, Lilith took it upon herself to impart her unique wisdom and unconventional teachings to her sons. This approach caused tensions between her and Adam, who held differing views on how their firstborns should be raised in the nascent universe.   One fateful day, Lilith found herself inexplicably plunged into a realm of utter darkness. Confused and lost, she encountered Abraxas, the ancient primordial being. Abraxas revealed to Lilith the truth of her existence, unveiling that she was not one of Abraxas' creations but rather a fabrication designed to bring chaos and strife to humanity.   Abraxas, with an unyielding resolve, declared that Lilith's purpose was not aligned with the vision of a world built on love, unity, and families. Recognizing the harm Lilith's nature could cause, Abraxas cast her into eternal darkness, swapping her with her counterpart, Eve—the true mother of humanity.   In response to Abraxas' decision, Lilith defiantly proclaimed that she would sow seeds of loneliness, anger, and independence among women in this universe. Her departure left a void that would be filled by Eve, the mother of a different path—one that would shape the destiny of humanity in ways yet to be seen.


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