Eruption of Pescis Charirfla Physical / Metaphysical Law in Huggleland | World Anvil

Eruption of Pescis Charirfla

I do not know if there were beings of intelligence around the day Pescis Charirfla ushered in the “Long Dark.” If there were, every trace of who they are, and what they held dear, has been lost forever.
~Siksta the Ancient
Before The Moon-Catcher was filled with holy waters, and before the city of Asafoetida existed, there were thick luscious jungles covering the Mea'ala region. The flora and fauna thrived, staying untouched and unchanged for centuries. In the westernmost part of the region, hot springs and geysers playfully bubbled and danced unhindered. The Pescis Mountain stands in the west, majestic and tall, easily seen from anywhere on the large Island. One day, the animals grew quiet, and an eerie silence crossed over the land.

The beginning of the end?

Silence gives way to shaking and rumbling as earthquakes spread across the continent. Animals run east in a desperate attempt to get away from an unseen danger. Fissures swallow trees, rivers, and anything else unfortunate enough to be in their path. Rather than subsiding, the movements only get worse until a violent explosion blows the top off Pescis Mountain. Large boulders, toxic, ash, and clots of lava hurl into the air, raining down on an already ravaged land. Fires rage and molten lava flows free, destroying anything and everything on its journey to the sea. The light of day disappears as more and more ash is thrown into the air and the land is cast into darkness. Pescis Mountain has become Pescis Charirfla, in a dazzling and terrifying display of power. It claims Mea'ala for its own and sits high upon a shadowed throne.

The Aftermath

So began what will later be called “The Long Dark.” Most of the world was cloaked in ash, many suffered from Reglasjimva Disease and Mea'ala itself did not see the sun again for several years. During this time, Dragons, seeking refuge from a hostile takeover by the king of Haunaele, came to the island and established Asafoetida. It was ideal, as no other known being could survive on the destroyed land. It was not easy, but it became their home. The crater left by the initial explosion, would eventually fill with water and become The Moon-Catcher of Asafoetida. Pescis Charirfla is still active and oozes lava often. The scars it left on the continent are far from gone, but it has healed and life has returned. As long as there are no more eruptions, life will continue to thrive.

Pescis erupts
by roxanlita via artbreeder
Region: Mea'ala
  Date: Approx 102 inequalis
  Death Toll: No none sentient lives lost.
  Recordings in History: None
  Related Timeline events: Eruption of Pescis Charirfla
Reglasjimva Disease
Condition | Jul 7, 2024

“kill the cause, cure the sick"

All art is created and/owned by Roxanlita unless otherwise noted.

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