King Soahc ll's Last Directive

General Hteadeath,
As you know, the gods have cursed me with a single heir. A single chance at continuing my legacy once I am gone from this world. To make matters worse, it appears they have decided to remind me of my mortality, and I fear I will not find a way to stop my cruel fate. As much as I wish to have given you my last directive in person, you will not make it in time. You are the most loyal of any person I have met, and now I can trust you to carry out these last requests.
— In the town of Chastity, lives Lady Ytrebil. Find her and kill her. She must not be allowed to be given a chance to slander me after I am gone.
— Send out The Scale to every capital. They know what to listen and watch for among the populace.
— In my bed chamber, under the bed, there is a secret door in the floor. Open it and take the crate inside to be relocated to Haunaele. There is a map inside that will show you the exact destination. Whatever you do, DO NOT OPEN THE CRATE! Destroy the map once your task is complete.
— Kill any crew you utilize to relocate the crate. The location must die with us.
And my final request from you after destroying this letter is to consume the poison pastry within this parcel. I have made sure it will give you a quick and painless death in honor of all you have done for myself and our kingdom.
I also wish to share a secret with you before the rest of the world learns of it, as you have always been my only confidant. My sole heir, is not a strong, brave young man like all have assumed. She is a beautiful young woman whom, despite my best efforts, will not be as fierce or great as I. I can only hope the gods grant her a son quickly that can put the kingdom back on the correct path as I am sure she will take it away from everything I worked so hard for.
When I reach the heavens, I will do everything possible to help you until we meet again. I will welcome you with open arms.
Honor my Name, ⁣/i]

King Soahc ll, his excellency of the highest rank, of Huggleland.

by artbreeder- roxanlita
The King's Secret Crate

Cover image: by Roxanlita


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