Summer Reading 2024

This summer camp was even better than last year. I knew life would limit how much writing I would be able to achieve, but I was really determined to outdo my previous year's results.
I pledged to get silver, but what I got was GOLD!
It's time to turn my attentions to all the other amazing writers that worked so hard during Summer camp. I have read a few articles prior to this, but there are so many more to read and explore.

Reading Report

I know it is about the writing, but I also love the visuals of this article. It has an easy to enjoy flow to it. I also enjoyed that it is a different take on what could be considered an ethnicity. The dark undertone that comes with a loved one suddenly having their soul replaced by one of the Aedvecti Anima Emuct is intriguing and a little unsettling if you think about it too long.
I enjoy reading about beautiful, cute, or innocent seeming things with ugly or suspicious underbellies. (it's the basis of my entire world, basically) Enough information was given to catch your interest and enough mystery to make you want more. This article left enough room for the reader to come up with their own theories, and now I WANT ANSWERS!
This was a bit of a comfort read, which seems to have been the goal of the article. As someone who shows my love for my family through food, it was nice to see a being that brought comfort and was accepted by all cultures. The small touches of misunderstandings and doubt kept it more realistic, but the overall acceptance of a good, kind entity at the end of one's life was nice.
A well-thought-out article with a detailed story on how they came to be. Love, ambition, betrayal, misunderstanding, and thousands of lost souls all leading to what they are today. I also enjoy that this is not just one big sob story made to create a sense of pity. I look forward to reading more from this world and author.
This Article answers the question "what if your basic needs could kill you?" With water, animals, and plants being contaminated, it is the worst kind of Russian roulette just trying to survive. Like plenty of diseases, this one does not discriminate.
Although rare, lighting rain is a beautiful and incredibly dangerous phenomena. I appreciate that the author gave great detail to the actual transformation of the rain droplets themselves. If you did not know the danger, you might be inclined to dance in the glow described. It would be a fantastical, yet fatal, mistake.
The opening to this article may lead you on a dark, seedy train of thought. Illegal hunting? Underground butchery? And yet, the reality is, Venusian Meat is not at all about black market carnivorous goods. Despite being much tamer, the truth is somehow more disturbing if you think on it too long.
I enjoyed the patronizing tone of the author about this creation. It brought personality and entertainment to something that could have just been a boring information dump. I also for reason imagine this creature often face planting thanks to their large horns but, that may just be me.
Boredom, leading to a new way to cure said boredom makes the world go round. This article is very tongue in cheek, and I enjoyed the way that even the use of a twenty-sided die is explained simply and matter of fact. Time for a campaign, inside a campaign, inside a Campaign.
I did not attempt this prompt, partly because I overthought it and had a serious mental block on inspiration that would fit my world. This article was detailed well, enjoyable, and showed that there is no reason to overthink it. The language was not created to be "better than" but as a necessary tool, and I enjoy that perspective.

Moving Forward in World Building

After all the writing and reading (even beyond the mentioned articles), this year my biggest goal is to STOP OVER THINKING. I get in my own far too much, and I saw so many articles that were simple but still enjoyable. I also think I need to keep in mind that it is ok to post articles that may need or desire additional details later. Things don't have to be perfect. I also think that my style of writing and my style of world makes me happy, and I should embrace it. I don't have to be serious all the time, and a lot of the darker parts of my world sit just under the surface, waiting to be discovered. Numerous times I am discouraged that people "just don't get/connect with it," but all that really matters is that I am writing about what I want, how I want. I need to write without fear of judgement and there are plenty of others who mix dark, and comedy, satire, and spooky, and we are all unique. If someone doesn't like my world or my article, it doesn't matter. Not everything will be everyone's cup of tea.   HAPPY WRITING, HAPPY READING, and HAPPY WORLD BUILDING!
HuggleCamp 2024 Articles
Generic article | Aug 4, 2024


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