Enda Settlement in Illior | World Anvil
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The Arkaiin military garrison located in the ruins of the old Senviric Empire and connected to the tunnel network of the Arkaiin mainland with vast underground train lines which bring troops and supplies alike. Troops are trained in the nearby desert ruins under the harsh conditions that come with such a habitat, facing sandstorms, famine and drought. Those that are trained there either survive and become some of the most elite troops on the planet or perished to the desert. It is the forward-most post for the Arkaiin army, hosting a large garrison of troops with even more being sent to the deserts on reconnaissance. It is also the stockpile of their advanced, Essence based, weaponry and, all the while, troops continue to expand the tunnel network in attempts to get as close as possible to Fort Kala. Desert veterans are sent to do reconnaissance of the surrounding desert and Fort Kala to prepare for the chances of an attack from the Lukanians with some being sent to cause disruption to the fort in order to test its strength.
Military, Base
Location under

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