The catch-all name for history at large.
The Age of Wishes began with the eponymous First Wish and lasted from the 6th to the 11th Century.
Said to be the reason of unexpected and unexplainable hardships.
How People think the Island came to be
A national myth about missing Groups of early Drusseodian Settlers said to someday find their way back to Brossal
A locally popular myth surrounding a collapsed cave behind the Hammer of Gromman, north of Brossal
Farendorn the Hateful's autobiography
Usually referred to as the Post, was a nationalized Institution facilitating the Transport and Delivery of Mail and Cargo in Drusseodia
The Sovereign of Carnal Pleasures, is the (in)famous Orces owner of many dubious Establishments and attributed with more but never convicted for a absurdly long list of Crimes.
A group of aging Ex-Soldiers sworn to protect the Postmaster of Brossal or give their Lives trying
A violent Revolution completed in the last hours of the Year 1909 after a Year of open Warfare, with the handing over of the Letter of Sacross.