Tundea's awakening

Tundea's awakening is an event that happens every few weeks on the island of Vagrigh and it is a small volcanic eruption from the Tundea volcano, found in the middle of the island. The eruption is small, wihtout smoke, and the lava tends to not go further away from the base of the volcano and the lava tends to cool down and solidificate a few hours after it finishes.   THe event happens at night. For a few hours, the volcano quietly erupts and then it goes back to its dormant state. Once the day arrives, the lava is usually already solidificated, mostly into obsidian. In the middle of the obsidian and the rocks from the solidificated lava, the iladan material can be rarely found.   The event nowadays is mostly harmless. People and animals have getting used to the symptoms of the even approaching and get away from the area (which is already failry inhabitable). Plants cannot grow too near of the area affected and thus the surroundings of the base of the volcano is pretty bare, which helps avoid fires.   The first times that hte event happened tho wasn't so harmless. It used to cause fires and a deads as no one was prepared of it. One time, after a specially bad dry season, half the island got on fire and no rain was on sight. While the island was getting readied for evacuation, a couple of mysterious people appeared seeminlgy out of nowhere and controlled the newly found magic to cause a thunderstorm that made all the fires go out and rained non stop for a week. The mysterious couple disappeared as soon as the rain started.   After such incident, the island slowly recovered and regrew and both people and animals had learnt to not get near the volcano while plants where unable to grew on land too near the volcano. Sicne then, the only thing getting near the volcano is people trying to get some Iladan.


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