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Color Shy

Magical Allergy

Magic permeates everything in the world, from the people to the creatures to the land itself, all is doused in the magic of Isekai. Most are born with the innate ability to harness this magic, to pull it from within themselves or draw it out of the air or the world, changing and shaping it into the color that best suits their needs. Much like the world is not black and white, neither is magic, divided into blinding colors that each serve their own purpose and can be shaped to do more than mere mortals can on their own.   Even in a world where everything is magic, there are those select few who have had that gift taken from them. Some upon their birth will never have the capacity for magic while others will have that gift taken through hardship and great loss as an adult. Others still will have the capacity for magic but will forever be locked out of a specific color for the mere reason that their bodies cannot handle it and treat it as nothing more than a foreign pollen.   Those that the magic of the world has forsaken in one way or another are often referred to as color shy. Calling one color shy is considered the nicest way of mentioning someone's condition, but in reality, these people either have a sometimes life-threatening allergy to a specific color or all colors of magic or have had their magic systems disabled by an accident or some other incident. There are levels to this condition as not all are affected to the same level, but to those that are color shy, this condition can be debilitating, no matter how color shy they may be.


Color shyness can have a number of causes but the base cause of someone's inability to use magic is often due to damage to the stem system within one's body. This damage can stem from an injury sustained or other unknown reasons. Some people are born with damaged stems or with an internal system that is unable to harness certain colors of magic. Color shyness can affect people of any age or race and can even affect those that have grown their initial stem system.


Those who are born with color shyness or are affected by it later in life are not greatly affected by this condition. These people can live normal lives and may still utilize Spell Scrolls and enchanted items to use magic without harnessing it themselves. While considered a disability like vision impairments, color shyness has been aided through the invention of many different items by the Academy of the Scroll and the Starlit Academy.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

Cultural Reception

While color shyness has most likely existed as long as the races have walked the land, it wasn't until the publication of The Spectrum of Magic that the true nature of such a condition was explained. Those who were unable to harness magic were often considered "stupid" or "lesser" among some races, especially those who were known for their magic.   Once the colors of magic became an accepted truth, the idea that color shyness was little more than a disability that one was born with or something that had happened to them, possibly by no fault of their own, changed the way these people were seen. Spellcasting aids were created to allow these people to still live life with magic.


Author's Notes

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Jul 5, 2024 14:35 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aw, I'm glad that it's so much more understood now to be a disability and it doesn't mean the person is stupid or lesser. It must suck, living in a magical world but unable to interact with it.

Emy x
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