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Eryndlyn Trade Agreement

Trade from the Underground

Trade agreements across Isekai govern the paths of trade that cross borders and span continents, but no agreement could set the precedent that came from the first trade agreement between the surface and Káto. The Eldritch War brought great change to both the surface and below, those that lived their lives in the twisted tunnels set foot into the blazing sun. Curiosity brought races together and created trade agreements that would stand the centuries.   The first such agreement that came from the meeting between the fair folk of the surface and the Silver Elves of the underground was the Eryndlyn Trade Agreement. Originally between House Baenre and the outskirts of the Human Empire, this agreement would bring the movement of Silver Elf-made weapons to the surface and various goods to Káto.   Discussions of this agreement were rough in the early stages, often leading to near wars due to their disagreements. As the discussions continued, the diplomats of the Llanowen Clan were asked to step in, facilitating the discussions to a point of agreement instead of chaos. After nearly a year of discussion, the agreement was reached, beginning the first trade route out of Káto.   The Eryndlyn Trade Agreement set a precedent in more ways than one. While it was the first trade route out of Káto, it was also the first trade route to be protected and facilitated by the Barbarians of the Spine of Kallex. Soon, the names House Baenre and the Llanowen Clan would become tied to one of the largest trade routes in the Northern Continent.


The purpose of the agreement was to establish a trade route between the western end of the Great Tunnel and entities on the surface. The original agreement was between House Baenre and the outskirts of the Human Empire, but over the last two decades, the agreement has grown to be between the Ruling Council of Eryndlyn and many of the kingdoms on the surface.
Treaty, Trade
Authoring Date
5 E.A.
Expiration Date
Signatories (Characters)


Author's Notes

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Aug 3, 2020 14:28 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I like the description of how the agreement has grown and expanded in recent years. That seems very natural.

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