Hospitality Agreement | World Anvil - Isekai Codex

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Hospitality Agreement

Diplomatic Accomodation

Under the articles of this agreement, all who wish to enter the realm of a Hospitality Class Light Cruiser in the name of business and diplomacy shall not be discriminated against. It is the duty of the commanding officer of the named vessel to provide accommodation to anyone who wishes to partake in the discussion, no matter their race or needs.

Accommodations provided must be fair to all parties and not be seen as demeaning or rude. This includes providing reasonable accommodation for both land and water-dwelling parties that allows respect to be had for all.

For example, it is not considered reasonable accommodation to have a singular bucket of water for a water-dwelling denizen to stand in while the land-dwelling parts are allowed to sit comfortably. No expenses in terms of gold or magic should be spared in order to make the location and terms of discussion amiable to all parties.

— Article IV, Paragraphs 1 - 3 of the Hospitality Agreement
  The Hospitality Agreement is an agreement created by the proprietor of Fire & Gold, Inc. to create equal and unbiased terms for parties wishing to meet for business. First established on the FG Hospitality and a service provided by Fire & Gold, the agreement became standard practice for diplomacy upon the establishment of the designation of Hospitality Class Light Cruisers.

Historical Details


Prior to the writing of the Hospitality Agreement, there were few standards when it came to diplomatic meetings. While the land-dwelling races could often find equal ground and neutral places to hold their meetings, the same could not be said for when land and water-dwelling races met. In most instances, the two groups rarely mingled and trade agreements between the two were few, and often in the favor of one group over the other.   The end of the Eldritch War brought with it a change in attitudes and economies. Places like Káto or the ocean floor that were once seen as distant and “other” were now closer than ever if the right deal could be struck. One person who capitalized on this was Oskar Zelatross, a man seen as nearly “otherworldly” as the creatures that had come during the war. His ideas were seen as outlandish, impossible to reach, and drove people away, but his successes could not be denied.   OZ was one of the first to begin trading with the water-dwelling races on fair terms, using his state-of-the-art ships and what he had early on termed the “Diplomacy Agreement.” This agreement varied little from what would become the Hospitality Agreement, but the document was nearly thirty pages in length, outlining the important aspects of diplomacy and trade with Fire & Gold as well as how he would respect and cater to all that would trade with him.   The agreement alone granted Fire & Gold many coveted trading contracts that other countries and kingdoms had been pursuing for years, or even decades in some instances. Begrudgingly, others fell in line, building their own ships that would define the Hospitality Class Light Cruisers and eventually signing the international Hospitality Agreement.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
298 EA
Signatories (Organizations)
Related Vehicle Class
Hospitality Class Light Cruisers
Related Vehicle
FG Hospitality

Public Reaction

The earliest versions of the Hospitality Agreement were laughed at by nobles and high-ranking officials alike. It was seen as catering too much on a field that was never meant to be fair on purpose. Diplomatic dealings had occurred for millennia before OZ appeared and had many successes, so many believed that such an agreement was due to a lack of character and spine.   When the agreement received traction and the trade agreements with Fire & Gold began rolling in, there was outrage. OZ had been known for twisting or changing rules and long-held beliefs to be in his favor. With the Hospitality Agreement, he had essentially spit in the face of all that had put so much stock in their more “barbaric” relations. As time passed, the draw of booming economies and grand trade routes forced the nations of the world to follow the same ideals that had granted Fire & Gold such success.


Author's Notes

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Jul 2, 2024 14:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this. I'm glad the detractors had to eat their words.

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