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King's Honor Guard

Guards of the Dwarven King

Guilded in stunning weapons and armor, Adamantite, Mithril, the Noble Metals, glinting in the crystalline lights from the arching ceiling, Dwarves stand in tight formations, their King before them. Only rarely will their bodies surround the King fully, the might of Clan Thunderbeard shrouded by those who stand with their King in battle. Only in the most dire of circumstances will King Maximus Thunderbeard III not lead from the front, before his people as a battle-ready King.   The men and women that stand ready behind their King may look lax, their weapons and armor highly polished but their body language shows a measure of relaxation. This is far from the truth, the Dwarves ready to spring into action at a moment's notice, their eagerness to fight boiling under the surface. Dwarves excel in academia and warfare, their people the pinnacle of both in many ways. Only the Royal Dwarven Military is as organized, ready for a war in peacetime.   Those who stand behind their King in his chambers are considered to be the elite of even the Dwarves' most disciplined military force. These men and women were hand-chosen for their abilities, their discipline, their love of the Dwarven Kingdom, and their willingness to sacrifice in the face of enemies. Clan Thunderbeard may lead from the front, but no Dwarves go to battle alone, let alone the King. That is why the King's Honor Guard exists, a unit just in case, for in the case of something inexplicable happening. The Honor Guard exists as the King's backup if he were ever to raise his weapon.



The King's Honor Guard is a small unit that focuses on the protection of the Dwarven King. At any given point, the unit only numbers fifty as the patriarchs of Clan Thunderbeard have never wished to take too many away from their other duties in the Royal Dwarven Military. Because of this, older Soldiers who are battle-tested and ready to serve in this very elite force are chosen.


Those who are part of the King's Honor Guard come from the three branches of the Royal Dwarven Military. Those from each branch are expected to continue their learning in their specialty as well as have slightly more than a base level knowledge of each of the other specialties. While the Hammerfalls, Scriptwroughts, and Stoneshapers have their own Generals, those in the King's Honor Guard may be asked to step into those roles depending on the circumstances.


Although formally organized as part of the Hammerfalls, the King's Honor Guard has existed since the earliest days of the Royal Dwarven Military. Early on, those in the Honor Guard were seen as the King's military advisors and served as the earliest Generals in the military. Creatures from Káto plagued the tunnels as the Dwarves dug deeper, almost entering the territory of their brethren, the Gem Dwarves. Those in the Honor Guard protected the lower levels as the different branches of the Royal Dwarven Military became more solidified and the military began growing.   As time passed, the Honor Guard became a place for those who had served their time in the military and had taught for a time in the various Dwarven academies but were not yet old enough to retire from duty. More often than not, these Dwarves, both men and women, had been battle-tested above and below ground, and in some of the narrowest tunnels. While still serving as military advisors for the King, their place was to provide a modicum of protection from assassination, hostile groups that requested audiences, or anything else that the King and his favored weapon could not easily handle.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by


Those that have served as Generals and instructors at the various Dwarven academies but are not yet of retirement age may be recruited for the King's Honor Guard. These candidates must have seen at least one combat or more and have specialized in one of the areas of the Hammerfalls, Scriptwroughts, or Stoneshapers.

Character flag image: King's Honor Guard Crest by Crest via Armoria, created by RiverFang


Author's Notes

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Jul 14, 2024 14:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the fact that the king leads from the front; it makes me feel as though the honor guards' loyalty would be that much more intense.

Aug 19, 2024 02:03 by Marjorie Ariel

I like that this is an option for people who are well-experienced, but not old enough to retire. It gives them a different option for their service, and ensures that the king gets people who really know what they're doing and can probably work pretty well together. I also like that they've decided to limit it to 50 so they don't drain the resources of other parts of the military.

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