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Nyx Bittermoon

Historian Nyx Bittermoon

One realm flows into another as the magic washes over her, its power unfathomable as she enters the place that the ancients call home. Her work takes her between the realms, moving between the magic of the Wandering Forest and the Fairy King's Wood as she follows a trail of history lost and twisted, one that most have forgotten or care not to share. Beyond their history, she covets the knowledge of the plants and creatures, everything fantastical in the Wandering Forest, everything that bleeds through the veil into the woods that she calls home.   Meticulous notes are kept in her native script, the delicate lines of Sylvan written with pen and quill across parchment, paper, whatever notebook she might have with her at the time. To her, retrieving the knowledge that once was is everything, recording it for those as curious as her is just a bonus. While her focus is mostly on the Wandering Forest and with the Ancient Fey, she is not afraid to delve into the depths of Káto, learning more about the Dusk Fairies and other brethren that call the tunnels home.   Nyx Bittermoon is still young by the standards of Fairies, only having reached barely the age of fifty-five, but that has not stopped her from traveling and searching, sharing stories of long past events that have been lost to the flow of the magic that permeates both the Wandering Forest and the Fairy King's Wood. Her love of storytelling and preservation led to her leading the Fairies for the Preservation of Fey History and her eventual appointment to ASHES. For thirty-five years she has served in this position, becoming the Council’s expert on all things Fey, the Wandering Forest, and certain parts of Káto.


Family Ties

Date of Birth
17 Summer's Noon, 245 EA
Year of Birth
245 EA 55 Years old
Short, blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Nyx Bittermoon by Portrait via Portrait Workshop, created by RiverFang


Author's Notes

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Jul 27, 2024 13:08 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

She sounds like she would be fun to talk to.

Emy x
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