
Deerfield is a small isolated village. The inhabitants are friendly to outsiders willing to share a meal or aid adventurers so long as they leave by dark, especially if a fully moon is near. This is because the townspeople are all creations/victims of Dr. Ioriel Metalsmith who gave them lycantrhopic type powers. Using humans and dogs as the basis for his experiements was a mistake as they eventually revolted about two hundred years prior to contact by Jaytowners. The revolt failed and they eventually retreated to what is now Deerfield. Metalsmith placed a large construct outside the village to watch over them but could not destroy them as there ability to blend into the forest on a moment notice far exceeded anything he could create.

The extent of the powers given to the townspeople is unknown to those in Jaytown but records gleaned from Castle Vormir indicated that the townspeople could transform into a variety of beasts including werewolves, weresjaguars, weretigers, wererats and ulfhedinn. Records indicate that they had all the typical properties of lycanthropes and more. Due to their constructed nature the "curse" is not removable by typical means.
approximately 30 humans and a dozen dogs
Location under
Characters in Location


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