Bottled Star Material in Jerna's Diary | World Anvil

Bottled Star

Whatever you do, do NOT open a bottled star. That would cause the entire planet, and solar system, to be turned to dust.
When I found out how Tavertral keeps the entire city warm and never seems to run out of energy, I wasn't expecting that stars in a bottle was how. I have never personally seen them, but I've heard all about them, even though I wasn't supposed to. Just happened to overhear a top secret conversation- maybe I shouldn't be writing this article...
Extremely Rare


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe these bottled stars are not infact true stars. They are simply incredible masses of light energy absorbed from Sabala, the dimension made of light, used by mages across the Yonderverse. These bottled stars are naturally occurring, and I believe it happens simply when lots of light condenses and forms a ball shape.


Bottled stars are used by only one city: Tavertral. In a secret facility underground, known to very few, is a collection of these materials. Bottled stars can last infinitely long, so there are very few underneath the city. In fact, only one of the stars are being used right now, used to keep the entire city warm from the freezing temperatures of Maerkhor.


For safety, bottled stars are stored in literal bottles, with the lids securely tightened. When I say tightened, I really mean it. It would take 10 men just to move the lid less than a millimetre, and even then the room the bottled stars are located in is top-secret and nobody could ever find it. Either way, if a bottled star was to be opened, then the star would rapidly expand until it reaches the same size as a regular star in space. Stars are much, much bigger than planets so this means the entirety of Dracosei and other surrounding planets will be completely wiped out.


Author's Notes

Thank you Andrew for the idea!

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Aug 6, 2022 14:28 by E. Christopher Clark

This is ingenious! Bottled stars FTW. Well done!

Now it's time for the awkward wave.
Aug 6, 2022 17:05 by Mochi

Thank you so much! :D

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