Wax Wing
A magic portal cracks open Midgard with the force of an antagonistic army. Newly promoted, Enomotarch Lou Areides guides his Enomotia from the Barracks instead of Brolympus, the palatial suite he shares with sibling and technological genius Icarus Areides. Stung by their brother's absence, Icarus tries the impossible, to use AI to raise the dead... or at least build their father's consciousness into a new machine.
What will our fair adventurers do? Will Icarus and Lou be able to repair more than their relationship in time?
An Audio Drama produced by Vraeyda Sound based on Icarus, their brother Lou & the Hellene expats living in Midgard.
Lou Areides
Ares Mars Olympia
Aphrodite Venus Ourania
Athene Olympia
Caleb Mauthisen
Icarus AreidesLou Areides
Ares Mars Olympia
Aphrodite Venus Ourania
Athene Olympia
Caleb Mauthisen