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Ship Concept

PULSAR (Pioneering Utility & Logistics Starcraft for Advanced Research) is a ship classification designed by Mark Henderson, owner of private undustries on Earth to make the first manned FTL trip to an earth-like exoplanet. To meet the needs of the mission, the ships would need to by highly adaptable, serving as a means of transport, a base of operation, and have the abilities to process raw materials and produce equipment the colony would need. Unlike the concepts of many colony ships, the designers felt it nececarry to account for all possibilities. These included hostel sentient life, so while serving in these other roles, the ship also serves as an armored weapons platform capable of defending itself and the settlement.



The core design prencibal for the PULSAR class ship is modularity. Each chunk of the ship with a designated purpose is a module called a Sector. These sectors can be combined and ordered in any way needed, giving the ship adaptability to meet the missions specific needs. The sectors are designed in a way to allow passengars to have their feet face towards the engine secontion of the ship located at the rear of the vessel. Below are a list of the different sectors and what they do.


Common across all sectors

  • Multi layered armor plating.
  • Center spine for primary weapon.
  • Emergency Escape Pods
  • Exterior Airlock
  • Thermal Radiator Array
  • Life Support
  • Emergency Supplies
  • Hard Point
  • Emergency Power System
  • Atmospheric Exchanger
  • Crew Quarters
  • Galley.
  • Fire supression System.
  • Maintenance bots.
  • Engineering access.
  • Lavatories.
  • Gym.
  • Rec Room.
  • Double door interior airlocks at junktion points.
  • Lifts.
  • Stairs.
  • Pull rails.
  • Threat Level System.
  • Paging system.
  • Waste collection.
  • Gravity System.
  • Emergency water processing.
  • Main corridors.
  • Supply tram.
  • Manauvering thrusters.
  • Scientific / navigation sensors
  • Combat targeting system.
  • Propulsion Sector

  • Enertial confinment Drives
  • Capacitor banks.
  • He3 fuel storage.
  • Magnetic Engine Bells.
  • Maintenance bay.
  • Parts warehouse.
  • Control room.
  • Reaction Mass.
  • Secondary thrust assembly for afterburn.
  • Heat exchangers.
  • Power Sector

  • Enertial confinment Fusion Reactors.
  • He3 fuel storage.
  • Heat exchangers.
  • Batteries.
  • Capacitor banks.
  • Control rooms.
  • Secondary unit for emergency power generation for reactor kickstart.
  • Solar sail aray for emergency use.
  • FTL Sector

  • FTL Jump Core.
  • Lumin tanks.
  • Control room.
  • Exotic matter storage.
  • FTL navigations.
  • FTL mining operations.
  • Engineering Sector

  • Tools.
  • Heavy equipment.
  • Parts storage.
  • Raw materials processing.
  • R&D.
  • Material specalists.
  • Maintenance bot control.
  • Systems maitnance and development.
  • IT.
  • Command Sector

  • Bridge.
  • Comman staff quarters.
  • War room.
  • Conference rooms.
  • Security.
  • Crew Sector

  • Crew lodging.
  • Gally.
  • Reck Rooms.
  • Gyms.
  • Hydroponics Sector

  • Food storage.
  • Food production.
  • Water storage.
  • Cargo Sector

  • Cargo storage of parts.
  • Heavy Equipment.
  • Material storage.
  • Vehicle storage.
  • Flight Sector

  • Combat Flight.
  • Cargo Flight.
  • Craft mantenance.
  • Craft refuel.
  • Craft Assembly.
  • Services Sector

  • R&D.
  • Medical.
  • Police.
  • Legal.
  • Other professions a city would need.
  • Defence Sector

  • Combat gear and training.
  • Defence gear and training.
  • Magazine.
  • Policing force.
  • Combat force training rooms.
  • Shooting ranges.
  • Missile Pods
  • Counter measures.
  • Front Sector

  • Scanning array.
  • Dust gun barrels.
  • Thrusters
  • Water Storage.
  • Armor plating.
  • Weapons

    While this class of ship was not a designated war fighting platform, it still hosts armaments. Below is a list of these different types:

    Dust Gun

    The primary weapon of the ship is the dust gun. This is a rail-like weapon that spans the length of the ship. Instead of firing large projectiles, it instead fires small uranium particles at relatavistic speeds, creating a staggering amount of kenetic energy and a fusion release of energy at impact. Some limitations of this weapon system is the large amount of power it takes to fire at max output and the incredible timings and tolerances of the system to work correctly. The whole ship also needs to be pointed and carefully aimed at the target.

    Missile Launchers

    Missiles are carried in the center-line of the ship facing both up and downwards relative to the ship. These can be loaded with different types of devices such as warheads, counter measures, and probes. The location on the ship is so that armor plating can be angled to prevent the bays being hit and the missiles can fire then turn and burn in the direction of their target. Ship orientation does not matter.

    Anti-personelle Turrets

    Turrets mounted alongside the ship to fight off shuttles, boarding parties, and missiles. They are close range only and have limited ammo. They can be equipt to fire mutiple types of ammunition to acheive different outcomes if needed.

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