Jayllin Tano

Rycerz Herolda, Champion of Embrel, Hero of Halteri, and Hero of Aurelia Jayllin Tano (a.k.a. Valana Mashiko)

Jayllin Tano was one of the members of the heroic group known as The Wayfarers. Being there since its inception, she was present for every key moment in the groups legendary journey.   Despite her young age she's known as an extremely skilled rogue and archer, as well as bomb maker and explosives expert. She is a close personal friend of Evoda Vitri and Nemeia Wise, not to mention the Wayfarers themselves.   Her origins are shrouded in mystery (on purpose) but it is known that she was adopted from the island nation of Ithalin by an rogue Seeker, and had struck out on her own when she joined The Wayfarers.   Jayllin deliberately keeps mostly to herself and her social circle, but she is known to reside in Starmont Allod working with Evoda Vitri, but also spends a lot of time in Atresa.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Details on Jayllin's life are sparse, but it is generally accepted that she was adopted by an ex-Seeker in the country of Ithalin who played some part in The Year of the Dragon, and joined the Wayfarer's during their now historic caravan ambush.   She participated in the Wayfarer's many heroic actions, but is singularly known for her actions with Nemeia Wise in the Fallen City of Halteri where she aided in the taking back of the city from the undead.   In the years since The Year of the Dragon Jayllin has played some part in the spy actions of Aurelia (allegedly) but details are, as usual, sparse. She is known to spend time in Starmont and is a close friend and confident of Evoda Vitri.



Mental Trauma


Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Known and recorded hater of Elves.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Rycerz Herolda, High General (during The Year of the Dragon), Regent of Starmont (during The Year of the Dragon), Hero of Aurelia, Hero of Halteri, Champion of Embrel, Officially Sanctioned Aurelian Diplomat, Spymaster.
Year of Birth
733 2A 44 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Ithali
Aligned Organization