
Translating directly to “Homeland Guardians” the Ne’Ira are the most interaction most people will ever have with the Torva’Wea, or Wood Elves.   The Ne’Ira act as the border guards and rangers for the Wood Elf forests of the Torva'Ne . They are only seen when they want to be seen, and well known for their excellence with a bow and their habit of dropping out of trees on unsuspecting travelers.   For the most part the Ne’Ira mostly scare away travelers, warning them to not proceed further. Often they will escort travelers out of their forests. However they can, and will, fight for their homeland. Many a “clever” group of bandits have found themselves riddled with arrows before they could get any notable distance into the forest. Their bones a reminder to all who would ignore the Ne’Ira’s warnings.
Military, Other
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization