Year of the Dragon

One of the defining moments of the 700's, the Year of the Dragon is the all encompassing (and slightly inaccurate) term for the period between 755 2A and 756 2A when a Kalin wide series of wars and conflicts were waged either because of or at the behest of the last White Dragon, Aenophentari.   Exactly how long Aenophentari had been plotting to enact his plan is unknown, but it is safely assumed to have been at least decades. His ultimate goal seems to have been the conquest of Kalin via the usage of existing powers which he could control like puppets, though the reasons for doing so are debated.   What is clear is that hundreds of thousands (over a million by some reckonings) of lives were lost over about a year of conflict caused by the White Dragon. In addition, it also saw the rise of The Wayfarers, now well known heroes who due to the whims of fate wound up being the primary adversaries of Aenophentari. Their battle would climax with the Battle of the 14 Nations and their now well known battle in the mysterious other realm known as the Aithero Monopati.   Since The Year of the Dragon is more realistically a tied together series of conflicts, giving an overarching timeline is difficult. However, most Scholars agree the following conflicts are part of the Year:   While the above conflicts are generally agreed upon to be the primary conflicts of the "Year." There are several other major events that are inexorably tied to the year as well such as:  
  • The attack on Starmont Allod by Tharrisian 16th Legion deserters and Gnolls. This was the inciting moment for The Wayfarers to take up arms against Aenophentari (though some scholars suggest the ambush against their caravan played a more pivotal role).
  • The civil disorder that gripped Jarak in 756 2A until The Wayfarers managed to break the deadlock and brought greater relations with Aurelia as a result.
  • The demonic invasion of Embrel and its near destruction as a result.
  • The strange invasion by other worldly creatures in Balmoth and the concurrent overthrow of the remains of the Balmoth government by Church of the Mantle and The Mantle Militant.
And then finally, there are events that occurred concurrently with the Year, and are generally considered a part of it, but are not necessarily directly tied to Aenophentari's schemes.  
  • The plague of undead that gripped the Fallen City of Halteri
  • The occupation of Ibrim by Atresa.
  • Tarkus attacking the Strakan palace and demanding greater rights for Kobolds.
Due to the rapid fire nature of the many crisis's and wars that gripped the continent in such a short time, many academics refer to any resulting political change as a result of "The Year of the Dragon" even if said event is only tangentially related to the Year of the Dragon.   For a more thorough detailing on the now famous period, please see Herod Itus's "A Song of Dragons and Gods." It is perhaps the most complete record of the hundreds of events and changes that occurred over the year.