Nestor Chera

A frequent visitor to Grayton's Lot, Nestor is the owner of a small fleet of ships and caravans. No one really knows where is base of operations is, if he has one. Nestor's fleet travels to each of the major and most of the minor ports around Karenth Centralis, Continent of. While picking up goods at ports and and trading off others, Nestor is amassing a substantial amount of wealth.   Whenever Nestor is in Grayton's Lot, he visits Golden Cloak religiously. Along with his other pecularities, he always asks to be served by Aillianna Rora when visiting the inn. The Order of Eight has agents frequenting the inn, but have never noticed the interation between the two of them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nestor always appears well dressed, normally with clean sturdy and well tailored travelling clothes. Over the travelling clothes, he always wears a long vest made of heavy wool yarn, and embroidered with gold beads on the edges. He owns several different vest, but always wears them in public. Nestor is about 5' 4" and 140 pounds. He is in his mid fourties with graying dark hair. He is human with several scars on his arms, noticable only when he has short sleeves.   Nestor is healthy and in good shape physically. He is capable and fit.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nestor was born in Rora and educated at the Great Roran College of the Mystic Arts. While he did not excel as a wizard, he did study a variety of intellectual topids including economics and engineering. He graduated as a full wizard, but rarely uses the skills. After graduating, he was recruited by the Roran Spy Master as an agent, training for two years with the Roran spies to get rid of his accent and learn spycraft.   As a spy, Nestor does not actively go on missions, but acts as an informant, gathering information wherever he goes and passing it on to Aillianna Rora when he arrives in Grayton's Lot. His ability to acquire information in general conversation is noteworthy, and he tends to pass along all kinds of juicy gossip, whether appropriate or not.


At the Great Roran College of the Mystic Arts, Nestor studied as a wizard, passing the program, but he took many other courses of study along the way including economics, engineering, languages, math, history, music, and etiquette. He excelled in most of his classes, but magic was a struggle for him much of the time.


Trade is of immense importance in Karenth, as resources are spread throughout the world, and no city is advanced enough to be self sufficient yet. Nestor owns and operates a fleet of 12 ships that he sails with, sometimes sending 2 or three of them out for various reasons, such as gathering food or picking up or dropping off cargo at a small port. The fleet is very wealthy, but much of the actual wealth is maintained in Rora for safe keeping. However, some of the money is kept with the fleet for trade or when needed for repairs, or to purchase cargo when no trade goods are needed by a source location.   The fleet trades throughout the Known World and will stop at any port for a night when possible to resupply and gather news to pass on to the spymasters.

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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