The Myth of the Nethen Oracle

Since the Displaced arrived in the Known World, a myth has existed of the Nethen Oracle. He is a strange man who wanders from city to city, from bar to bar, from camp to camp, mumbling strange stories of the "Nethen". The Nethen he says are the ancient race that built man of the cities and structures in the Known World, but not all.   The Nethen Oracle is said to be an ageless man of gold skin and hair, but with red highlights. Even now, rumour has it that he is still seen from time to time in various towns, but it is always hearsay, someone heard someone else talking about it.   In some of the stories that have been passed down, the Oracle is said to tell stories of the Nethen, how they built great machines powered by the magic of the world, and how they abandoned the Known World to go to another part of the Plane of Karenth.   As you can see from this story, there might be some truth to his mumblings, as some of the terms are now used throughout the world: "Karenth", "Plane of Karenth", "Nethen", "Eusaran", "Valinse", and many other terms all come from the stories the man tells.   In addition to this, the man looks nothing like the heritage of any of the Displaced. His strange skin and red highlighted golden hair are giveaways that he is unlike any of the displaced or the fey found in the Known World.   Spoiler: The man is real and still wanders the world. He is not of the Displaced, but is an immortal dragon who wanders the Plane of Karenth named Nezuflslror.

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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