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Mashhad, the Devoured Land

The Land of Five Suns

  Masshad, the Land of Five Suns, the Devoured Land, the Land of the Lost, is a country on the brink of war. Sitting at the head of Masshad are the Five Suns, or rather, the five largest cities of Masshad, are often called the The Jewels of the Desert. These jewels are called; Akfu (North), Menvathus (West), Behsi (East), Eksaris (Central), and Nebdju (South). The capital of Masshad, Eksaris, is a central hub of trade throughout all of Raef and brings a great deal of wealth to Masshad.
  Currently, Akfu and Menvathus are in the control of the The Holy Dracan Empire while Behsi, to the East, is called the Lost Sun of Masshad. Many say that the five suns of Masshad are slowly dimming, as they have been under attack at the hands of the imperium for the past three years, slowly losing ground while the imperium waged a war on two fronts in Masshad and Valklema.

The Devouring Land

  The Devouring Land, as Masshad is also called, is named for its harsh and dangerous landscape. Many merchant caravans have disappeared and many travelers have been swallowed up by the desert itself. In these deserts all manner of monstrosities from Sphinx, Lamia, Mummies, Purple Wurms, Drakes, Serpopards, and other such creatures haunt these lands. Additionally, dangerous flora such as "straw vine," a monstrous plant that drains men of their water as they sleep, fill these lands.
  The Devouring Land is also one of astounding beauty. Covered in various ruins, and dotted with oases of various size, the devouring land can also be an amazing experience for one willing to see beauty among the discordant chaos.
Inhabiting Species


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