Hybardin, also known as Hylarhome or the Life-Tree, was one of the wonders of Krynn. This city was built inside a giant stalactite that hangs over the Urkhan Sea. At the bottom of the stalactite is an island that served as the city's waterfront. Sunlight was brought to the city from sheets of quartz and smokeless lamps. This was the heart of Thorbardin, where dwarves from all the clan go to do business. This is also the city of the Hylar, and where the Council of Thanes meets. Narrow at the bottom and wide at the top where it meets the ceiling. An iridescent coral grows up the outside in many branches that glows with a pulsing light that lights the great cavern as bright as day. Gardens of strange fungi grow along carved balconies that overlook the lake. Water flows freely through and down the sides of the city. The water comes from countless natural springs found above the city. The Hylar form the water into canals, streams, and fountains throughout the city. With the abundance of water and light nearly every family residence contains a garden that provides the city with many unusual smells. The buildings of the city line the streets and are neat and orderly. The city was connected to Theibardin, Theiwarin, New Daebardin, the Valley of the Thanes, the West Warrens, and Daerforge through a massive chain ferry of Cable Boats. dragonlance wiki