Pledge WA Summer Camp 2024

Pledge: Summer Camp 2024   Once again summer strikes, and once again, we look to enjoy its bounty of worldbuilding!   I have three book worlds, and the information for each relates to my two serials (Lapis of Nicodem and Evenacht) and my one series (Wellspring Dragons). Depending on the prompt, the articles I write will be in one of these worlds.  

Week 1: Change
Change is afoot in all three of my series.   Currently in the Evenacht serial, a forest deity is behaving much unlike himself--and his change has led to some terrible consequences for both the living and the deceased in Greenglimmer. ALSO, in the next couple of chapters, there will be a HUGE "OH SHIT" event that will usher in a myriad of changes. I think this event will happen in July, so...just in time for summer camp (I am a pantser. Just because I think an event will happen at a certain time doesn't mean it will).   In the Lapis of Nicodem serial, we've reached the first night of the last nights of the Dentherion Empire. 'Nough said. (I have a feeling most articles on change will center on Lapis and company).   In Wellspring Dragons, there is a huge change that many people of the continent of Seari don't know about yet--the re-emergence of dragons into human life. It's been long enough, most relegated the beasts to legend. Shiobe, as the newest dragon companion, has gone from impoverished freelance fighter to dragon companion, and must grapple with the personal changes her life has taken.
Going for Gold
I would like to complete gold, so 24 prompts. I've been writing around 25K words during the last World Ember and the previous Summer Camp, so I'm hoping to repeat that this time around.
Summer Camp 2024 pledge document signed.jpg

Assignment 2: Categories
As I'm revamping my worlds, revamping categories is part of it. I've changed them a couple of times, will likely continue to do so.
Assignment 3 and 4: Creating/Updating Meta
My meta, for the most part, isn't public because of spoilers. So I need intros/primers and whatnot. I usually have this as part of the homepage, but I am writing something more substantial for Evenacht. Plus there is the intro video, which should be up soon. If you want to check out some of the video artwork (and a little bit of the story) read my Spooktober 2023 entry.   I had something more substantial for Lapis of Nicodem, but deleted it because I didn't like it that much. I'm planning to revamp the homepage (isn't that week 2's thing?) and the elevator pitch sums up everything currently taking place. I should, however, write a brief history document that covers what's going on. Just wondering how much to include, because I don't want to spoil the story for those who have yet to read the books.

Week 2: Refuge
Lapis of Nicodem has many refuges. Central to Lapis's life is the Eaves, the tavern own by Dachs and where she, Patch and Rin have rooms on the second floor. She runs her street rat reading group there, as it's a safe space for the urchins to be. The second is the rebel House in Jiy. Rebels need a headquarters in the capital and a place for Faelan to conduct business. Other refuges are the Night Market, a place where workers go to just be; they can eat, see a bawdy show, shop for foodstuffs and knickknacks from around Theyndora. There are plenty more, from the palace where King Gall hides to the mines the khentauree inhabit.   In Evenacht, refuge for Vantra isn't a place, it's being with the mini-Joyful. Katta, Qira and company provide protection, companionship, and aid when she most needs it.   In Wellspring, most of the refuges haven't made it into the story yet, except for the twilight mists, which act as a safe space for the Butterfly Sylfaone. Shiobe found refuge in her childhood in books and learning.
Assignment 2: Friends
I check in at the Discord more often than I comment. Some of that is the times I can (between 2-3pm PST and 11-midnight), when not much talk is going on. Let's see if I can overcome my "who wants to hear what I have to say?" mentality.

Assignment 3 and 4: Styling and Layout and CSS
I'm working on it!!!   I've revamped Wellspring and like how it looks, but it's been slow transferring all the old articles to the new style.   I've revamped Evenacht, but I think it's a little I need another, lighter color to contrast, I just haven't found one I like yet.   I'm working on Lapis of Nicodem. I have a world background I like, but I'm having trouble coming up with a look for pages. This story started off as a non-magic-with-fantastic-elements dark fantasy. It grew into a dark science fantasy with magic mechanical beings and more tech than intended (the Dentherion Empire, which overran all of the continent of Theyndora, kept tech out of the hands of the commoner and only allowed the puppet rulers to have access to it. Threats of execution did not stop the criminal element from using tech, and since Lapis is doing more with rebels and syndicates than I had first planned, she's exposed to more of it). So, there's both a medieval/lack of tech element to the story, and an advanced tech element. And I need something that spans both.
  Too blue...what shall I do...add more pink?...sigh, on the brink

Week 3: Belief
Religion plays a big role in my stories. Wellspring has sylfaodolon, deities who exist because another deity crafted them. This leads to problems when the creator demands obedience from the created, because they usually want them to perform terrible acts in the name of power and prestige. Belief in one's self also plays a big role in the series, especially with Sikode, who knew he was destined to master a dragon and ignored all those who laughed at him over the daydream.   Evenacht has a pantheon of syimlin. Most mortals on the continent of Talis thought syimlin were myth, until a hundred years previous, when interstellar invaders met their end by way of Death deities' magic. Suddenly everyone knew the divine existed, and quite a few had no idea how to handle that. Should they worship them, or continue to ignore them (several subspecies of faelareign live a couple thousand years, so they were alive for the attack, and for the aftermath). Of course, once dead, faelareign got judged by Death and sent to the Evenacht, so spirits knew gods existed, and again, had to wrestle with that fact. This is why a lot of syimlin are more invested in their deceased rather than living followers.   Belief is not so much in gods in LoN, but in individuals and organizations. Lapis believes in Patch and the rebel cause (even if she has a love/hate relationship with it). Jilvayna rebels believe in Faelan and Midir's leadership. The khentauree believe in the goodness of Gedaavik. Lack of belief can cause heartache (Lapis believing her brother abandoned her as a child after their family perished). Of course, if you're reading the serial, forced religious belief plays a big role in Knavish Canto and continues in Broken Dulcet.
Assignment 2: Inspiration
Perusing other worlds is a huge inspiration! So is music.   Each of my series has a song/songs that represent them.   Wellspring: Master the Hurricane by Visions of Atlantis is the current theme song.   My World by Colony 5 reps the Butterfly Sylfaone. His look (mainly hair) was somewhat inspired by Dezert's lead singer's look in Choco.   I also listen to symphonic and folk metal, industrial, gothic and synth pop, some visual kei while writing. Think Heimataerde, Frozen Plasma, Razor, Angels and Agony, Eluvietie, Nightwish, Carnival and Requiem by Project Pitchfork. There's been many days where the Skyrim soundtrack played in the background while I wrote.   Lapis of Nicodem: If you want the feel of the series, listen to VNV Nation. Current theme for Broken Dulcet is Kingdom, but the overall anthem for the series is Honour 2003 version. I hear VNV, and I get into the LoN mood.   Also good at putting me in the LoN mood: Rotersand, SITD, FGFC820, Solitary Experiments.   Evenacht: Faith and the Muse's Cantos and Silver Circle are the theme songs.   Most other influences for this series are dark, moody European folk music with some goth thrown in. Think Galdra by Faun, Varulven and Herr Mannelig by Garmarna, Lvgvs and Catvrix by Eluveitie.

Assignment 3 and 4: Images and Maps
My newest map is for my Evenacht serial. It's Greenglimmer, with several layers.   Need to spend some time with LoN and Wellspring.
Known for is deep, dark, secretive rainforest, Greenglimmer is a sparsely populated area of the Elfiniti Rainforest.

Week 4: Decay
In Lapis of Nicodem, the Dentherion Empire is in collapse. It's decaying, from the inside out. The cousin of the previous High Councilor assassinated her and took leadership by force. Aquatheerdaal, the mineral that powers modern tech, is nearly depleted, and governments have not found an alternative source to take its place. Due to these two things, the puppet state kings are losing their grip on the peoples they govern. The prohibition against commoners in vassal states owning tech is disintegrating along with government control, spreading paranoia among the rulers who fear rebellions and syndicates will usurp their thrones.   In Evenacht, the Hallowed Collective's leadership among ghosts is decaying. Finder agents are not as trusted as they once were, and this reflects the Collective's own dwindling reputation. Vantra's self esteem is also tanking, as she focuses on her mistakes and ignorance rather than her successes.   In Wellspring, the decay of leadership in many countries has led to the rise of the bloodmage cult, an insidious organization that powers artefacts with human sacrifice. Kings and queens, more concerned with cementing power than actually ruling, have let them take root and prosper while other, trivial matters occupy their time. This decay infects courts and through them, nobles, creating a corrupt system ripe for downfall.
Assignment 2:
I recently replaced my desktop comp, so my writing space is as clean as it ever will be.   We will see, how much coffee I drink this summer camp. Why, it seems I'll need a new worldbuilding mug for that :)
Assignment 3:
I am working on a revamp of LoN homepage as we speak. I need to decide what articles are important and highlight them in all of my worlds. I also need to get the intro to Evenacht done, the intro video done.
  New landing page pic (almost done, metal needs a bit of grittifying). In LoN, only nobles and the crown in vassal states can own tech. It's illegal for commoners to possess it, though that restriction's becoming less enforceable. That is why Lapis chases with metal blade weapons, rather than a nifty tech gun--and due to the depletion of aquatheerdaal, using tech is becoming rather unreliable.   I think this pic captures the tech/no-tech dichotomy, but we'll see if I change my mind about that. I originally had her leaping over a wooden fence, but that didn't fit with the background of the site, which is a tech-ier pic.

Assignment 4:
I make certain I keep my author profile up-to-date. I look at profiles when I want to know more about a worldbuilder or author, and I can't be the only one!   I recall a few years ago, when I was curious about an author on this site, I went to their profile to find out more about them and what they wrote. They only had one sentence: "LOL no one reads this stuff." Their dismissiveness annoyed me, since I had gone to their page to specifically 'read this stuff', and I didn't bother finding out more about their work. You don't have to have a long profile; a few words that prove you take your work seriously is just fine. And if you're an author, list your books with links!


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