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You nod slightly at the screen, and something of a chuckle escapes from the speaker. A.R.I.’s robotic, yet quite human-like voice echoes from the machine;  Perfect!’, she exclaims, and there is a moment of silence. 'Right, now listen. Look at the map. Do you see the corridor heading down to the lab?'.   You look intently at the map and nod once more, confirming. There's a corridor heading to the lab, that either branches off into the bedrooms, or continues down to the meeting room. You recall seeing some of it when you went inside earlier.   'Well follow that, but turn right. I think Alicia was Dr. Faraday's newest pet project, so she'll most likely have a Level 1 Access Card lying around'. You're starting to get used to A.R.I.'s voice. It was new and foreign, at first. But soon, the way she pronounces things with attention and precision became familiar to you. You turn around and start heading for the door, moving aside some rubble to get through. The place truly is a mess.  
  The air in the corridor is stuffy, and heavy. There's dust floating around, and its particles are outlined in the sun rays that sneak their way inside through the multitude of cracks in the walls and the ceiling. The hallway is filled with small velvet-lined seats and potted plants, and the once beautiful red carpets on the floor are torn and dirty. There's a humming noise in the walls - The lights may be damaged and not working, but clearly, electricity is still being pumped throughout the facility. You move your hand to the wall and can feel it vibrate slightly. It's like the place is alive, breathing, talking, thinking. Watching. You take a moment to take in the various pieces of metal that are carefully woven together to make this whole place stick. It's incredibly impressive craftsmanship.   'Hey, dipstick! You going or what? We're sort of pressed for time here!', you hear from somewhere around you. You didn't even spot the speakers near the ceiling, or the various cameras focused on you from every angle. This place was alive, and A.R.I. was its soul, it would seem. Preferring not to annoy her, you walk forward. Here, you come to your first choice. Two corridors can be seen, one going straight ahead, and another, going right.   Go right
  You decide there is no time for detours right now, and turn right. A.R.I. seems content with your choice, making some comment about you being 'able to follow instructions, it would seem'. As you head this way, you notice it getting darker. There are no windows in the area and the only source of illumination are the crimson red emergency lights that flash on and off constantly. The lights, however, seem to be enough for you to see the basic outline of what's ahead of you. There are three doors - Very small doors, just barely enough to fit a person through them. They have labels on them, with the names of their occupants. They read as follows;   Aurora Faraday
  You walk up to the doors of Aurora's room, and notice a keypad next to it.   'I don't remember the code. Not yet, at least.', A.R.I. tells you from the key pad itself. 'And surprise surprise, my overrides aren't working either. It's like I'm stuck in a cage over here. Come on, let's get to Alicia's room already.'.  
  Alicia McDonnell
  Before you even properly reach the door, they slid open with a hiss.   'This one was open! Easy as pie, come on, let's find that Card!'.   The room is incredibly cramped, with piles of items covering pretty much every surface. There's a very small bed in the corner, covered in books of topics unknown to you covering them. There is a computer there, still on and still running, as if abandoned in a rush. There is even some food left on the desk, frigid and ancient. There is a small fan still spinning in the corner, giving this room air that's slightly easier to breathe than the one in the corridor. You struggle your way inside and sit down on the small chair in front of the computer. Before you can even get to searching, A.R.I's voice erupts from the speakers.   'Alicia was a total newbie at the Foundation, so we won't get far with her restricted computer. But her card could be useful! Look around, and I'll try to run through these files here. Send some over to us. See how much we can get.'.   You begin searching the shelves and cupboards all around. You don't see anything of interest. Notes, sketches. Some old wrappers, a pencil here and there. But that's about it. Eventually, you give up and walk to the closet, where you can find a multitude of clothes and lab coats. And in one of those very coats, peeking out, you find a Key Card, sitting in a pocket. You grab it immediately and get back in front of the computer camera to show A.R.I.   'Hey, nicely done, dipstick!', she gives you an impressed chuckle. 'Now that we have that card, we can access all Level 1 files. Still not much, but better than those few we've had to deal with so far. If you want, get back to the computer and start searching the Level 1 Access files. You can look around this place a bit more, too. But don't leave Dr. Faraday's lab. We don't know what happened to the rest of the people here, so... Don't risk it, alright? Maybe we can go later. Not now.'.  
  Dominika Chernov
  'Dominika has been around for a lot longer.', you hear A.R.I. say as the doors to Dominika's room open slightly. 'She was Dr. Faraday's protege, supposed to be her successor. But I guess things never worked out. Assuming the worst, of course. But... I really don't wanna assume that sort of stuff, yet.'. The doors open fully, and you enter. 'Don't waste too much time here, dipstick. We've got things to do.'. The room is a lot cleaner and brighter than you would have expected it to be, considering the destruction outside. The room has a lot of open space, but you can see multiple scratches in the wood. As if something was constantly moved in and out around this area. The bed sheets are clean, the lights are on, and all the shelves are in order. It seems that either someone hasn't been here in a long time, or someone has been here very recently. You aren't sure which is more chilling.   A quick search of the room turns up nothing of interest. There are some pictures of Dominika and the other two scientists, but they're unclear and faded. The closet is almost completely empty and there's basically nothing useful around. You deice to head back outside and move somewhere else. This room could be important later, but not right at this moment, it would seem.  
    Go Forward
  'You better find something good back there, dipstick. We've got work to do!', you hear A.R.I. warn you as you make your way into the darkness of the corridor ahead of you. From what you saw in the map, you conclude you could turn here into the lab, or continue down the way into the Meeting Room. You decide to stop, and for a moment, think about your choice.   Head To The Lab
The moment you step inside the lab, you can feel a chill go down your spine. The place is frigid, and it feels as if a wind were blowing through it constantly. It's slightly brighter than the corridor outside, but most definitely a lot more menacing. You take a few, very careful steps forward, and take in the scenery. It's a mere phantom of the laboratory it once was, with equipment missing from almost every shelf. There's puddles of chemicals around the place and gas filling the room. You make sure to be careful not to get too close to anything that looks harmful. The atmosphere of the place is enough to give anyone nightmares. But what scares you the most of the small pool of dried blood on the operating table.   'Huh... Even I'm a little scared of this place. But I remember enough that I know it's not supposed to look like this. Something happened... God, I wish I could remember what it was! Alright, dipstick. Should we get out of here?', you turn around and get ready to leave, but A.R.I. stops you before you can. 'Actually... Wait... Being here, some things are coming back to me. I think there's recordings in these cameras, or maybe files somewhere around here? I don't know. Hold on...'.   'They were studying a person. I don't know where from, who it was, or why they were doing it. But they were. I heard it, every day. Talking, laughing, crying, screaming. It has just been that for the last year or so. It didn't end before I got wiped, I don't think. Or before I was shut down. We still don't actually know what happened to me. The other two who worked with Faraday... Hold on... Dominika and Alicia. Those two.'.   'Faraday employed Dominika about seven years ago, and took in Alicia three years after that. Since then, the three have been working in this lab non-stop. I don't know much more past that. I think Dominika was pretty jealous of how much Faraday enjoyed Alicia's company. But that's about it... Ugh, I'm feeling weird. Can we get out of here? This place gives me the creeps.'.   You finally decide it's about time to turn around and leave.  
  Go To The Meeting Room
  You turn the corner and spot something quite peculiar. The door seems to be completely barricaded with a mixture of lab equipment, shelves, bookcases, and got knows what else. It would seem some of the plants and seats from around this area also joined the barricade. You stare at it, for a while, wondering who could have made it. And why exactly, it was made. Considering it was from the outside, it wasn't keeping things out of the Meeting Room. It was keeping something in. This thought alone is enough to give you that final push to turn back and head somewhere else.   A.R.I, through the whole ordeal, seems completely speechless.  

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