
Nomads have their own kind of clothing. Men wear a "deel," a long, porous wool cylinder that comes down to the knees. Women also wear long gowns, or "khuur," and colourful ornaments made from felt and metal.  
    The deel is an outer garment worn by the nomads. It is made from wool or other natural fibres. The deel is dyed in many different colours and has beautiful embroidery - delicate patterns made by hand and dyed into the fabric. It is long, like a dress, and hangs down to the knees.    The deel looks like a tube of cloth, with a hole in the middle of the chest, which goes over the head. Often, the deel of a young boy will have the same design as his father's deel to show that they belong to the same family.  
    Nomads often decorate their deels with beads and pearls. Sometimes, the deel is embroidered with ribbons or a patterned design called "zhiyralay". The nomads use a needle called a "tutush" and silk thread from old clothes to embroider the deel with a free-hand pattern.   The deel is tied using decorative belts, which may have metal coins. This symbolises wealth. The straps are often very intricate, with many different patterns and designs. They can be made from various materials, including leather, metal and cloth.  
    Nomadic women wear a deel that is similar to the men's deel, but it is often more colourful and decorated. The women's deel is called a "khuur". It is made from softer materials, such as cotton or silk. The khuur hangs down to the ground and often has a train at the back.   Nomadic women also wear a headdress called a "toob". This is a long, narrow strip of cloth wrapped around the head. The toob can be made from different materials, including wool, cotton and silk. It is often decorated with beads, sequins and embroidery.   Nomadic women often wear necklaces, bracelets and earrings made from metal, beads and other materials. These are called "shonkhor". The nomads use a particular type of knot to make the shonkhor, called a "tamga".   The deel is the most essential piece of clothing for the nomads. It is not only practical but also very beautiful. The deel shows the wealth and status of the person wearing it. The more colourful and decorated the deel, the higher the person's status.


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