Kai Khos

There are many spirits in the world of a nomad, but the spirits of the sky, the earth and water are the most important.   The spirits of the earth are more important than anything else to nomads, and they call them the "Kai Khos." Nomads believe that spirits live in everything. The spirits of the sky, the land and the sea, were all different, yet they were all intertwined. The spirits were created by the "Kai" which is the energy of life itself. To this day the nomads still honour the Kai Khos. During the annual spring festival, Nomads from miles away will gather together and give offerings to the gods. They believe that if they do not make offerings to the gods, their entire existence will be threatened and they will be thrown into chaos.   Anyone with native blood respects and venerates these spirits.  
    Nomads believe that a person without this spirit is not a human being and that the spirits must be with them at all times. This is why when a man or woman is born the Kai Khos are present at birth.   The nomads take care of the spirits by giving them sacrifices.
    Nomads believe that the earth’s surface is not just a physical place but also a place where the spirits live. They believe that the spirits of the land have special powers. The spirits of the earth are divided into different groups according to the places they dwell.   Nomads also have a hierarchy of spirits which work together as a team providing all that necessary for life. For example: when presenting a sacrifice to a spirit the host asks for "good luck and good fortune". Not only do these sacrifices provide a feast for both human and spirit, but they also include words of praise.   Sometimes a treatment is given to a sick person by the shaman which involves a sacrifice to the spirit.


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