
The spirit of the sky is called "Tengri." The sky gives us light, warmth, rain and wind. It is called "Tengri" because it is high above us — "Tengri" means "sky" in @Tuvan. It is believed that Tengri is male, and the power of Tengri is great.  
    Shamans, nomads and village people pray to Tengri to protect them, and if they are lucky the spirits of the sky will protect them.  
  When people are ill, they think maybe the spirits of the sky are unhappy with them — for example, if it is cloudy and rainy for two or three days in a row, and the rain brings pain, illness, and sorrow. People believe that perhaps the spirits of the sky are unhappy and want to punish them, and so they get sick and must make an offering to the spirits.


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