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Ace Riggle

Hero of New Aster Ace Riggle (a.k.a. Joker)

Ace grew up under the care of his mother, and had few friends apart from a group of other sorcerer teenagers. The group grew up together, and eventually faced a tyrannical ruler named NEON. However, they lost, and Ace was the sole survivor. Wandering the planet after his failure to protect his comrades, Ace continued his journey of heroics and continued to protect every town he came across under the alias 'Joker'. To those townsfolk, Joker is a heroic figure of protection and care. To himself, Ace only sees a failure with a burden and a thirst for revenge heavier than the planet itself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medium sized, Muscular, Toned

Facial Features


Apparel & Accessories

A body suit made of grey cloth that comes in 3 pieces: pants, shirt, and mask. On the shirt there is a large, red diamond, and on the mask is a blue clover-shaped figure. Red gloves, Blue boots, and a dark-gray cloak are also included.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ace was born to a hardworking mother and a easy-living father. His father had made his riches through gambling, a hobby he intended to drill into Ace's head from an early age. While the family had enjoyed their splendors for a short period of time, it only took 3 years after Ace was born for his father to go bankrupt in a bet gone wrong. All of the family fortune vanished in an instant, and so too did Ace's father. Ace and his mother would never see him again, but that never stopped his mother from working as hard as she could to keep her and her son financially supported. The two of them adopting her maiden name, the Riggles were now born from the abandonment of the gambler.   Ace had moved from town to town growing up during his mother's quest for the perfect life, until eventually she came into contact with her father from a town known as New Aster. The two traveled there, and it was then that Ace was told everything about his family's culture: his grandfather was part dragon. grasping this new knowledge, Ace requested for his grandfather to train him in harnessing his draconian bloodline to utilize the power of magic. In his quest to master his abilities, Ace came across many other sorcerers that would soon become his friends. The group of friends would stick together for 15 years and eventually form a guild known as The Wildcards: a group of heroes that fought to defend all of New Aster. This is when Ace pursued the alias of Joker.     Only two years into the group's quest for magic mastery did they discover something sinister brewing in their town. A warlock under the Alias of Neon had gained the trust of the town for decades, only to murder most of New Aster's denizens on his quest for "perfection." Ace's mother and grandfather didn't survive. After battling enemy after enemy to reach Neon, the Wildcards found themselves facing an indestructible opponent. Ace was forced to watch helplessly as all of his comrades died before him. He couldn't even begin to match the strength of Neon. As one last act of pity, Neon banished Ace from New Aster with only his life intact.     The soul survivor of Neon's brutal attack on his town, Ace swore to travel across the lands in hopes of restoring his magical roots; mastering it to its fullest potential. One day, he will face Neon once more, and kill him for the sake of letting his fallen comrades finally rest peacefully.


Contacts & Relations

Shields Ragnar Oogway Colt Milwin Shanks
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
New Aaster
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 5"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Celestial

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