Liētian Eirn

Sharp and Pristine

Thurst after thrust, it shall not dull, it shall not rust.
  Liētian Eirn is a highly durable steel-like material that holds a sharp edge better than any other material made from conventional means. Eirn, in itself, is an incredibly rare resource that can be found only in the most ancient of ruins and the mysterious bunkers across the continent. For most of history, it was but a prized asset in the vaults of the wealthy, but that all changed in 307 BA when a blacksmith in Liēti had learned how to make blades from the material. What set these new weapons apart from the bronze and iron swords and spears of the time was Eirn’s remarkable resistance against all forms of decay.  


The smiths of Liēti kept their methods hidden for generations, forcing powerful rulers from across the world to travel to the burgening settlement with whatever eirn they possessed. Such wealthy guests enriched the town's inhabitants and the smiths themselves became more powerful and wealthier than kings. They exherted that influence and wealth, deposing their leaders and forging a realm from the profits of their discovery.  

Scattering of the Smiths

All had been perfect for the smiths and their city of riches and just as they prepared to crown themselves the kings of a new land, news of foul events spread from the east. Realm after realm had fallen to an army of both monsters and men. Initially, the forge-lords of Liēti intended to mount a resistance against the coming swarm, but reports of aberati forces on the outskirts of their land came far sooner than anticipated.   Panic swept through Liēti and the people began to flee en masse. Many of the smiths feared that their mighty blades were of no use with no men to wield them and so they, too, fled to distant shores, bringing many of their blades and, more importantly, their knowledge, with them.
Extremely rare
Common State
Solid metal


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