Lunger of the Depths

Foe of the Panedur

There’s no dodging a lunger. Even if its aim’s off, it’ll still grab ahold of you and choke the life from your lungs. A cousin of mine suffered from one’s kiss of death and my nights have been plagued by that gruesome sight ever since. I put both him and the accursed worm out of their misery that day.
— Mahil Padok, miner
  The Lungers of the Depths are large and dangerous, worm-like aberati that prowl in the darkness of deep unexplored caves and tunnels, both natural and artificial. These creatures are feared and despised by miners, tunnellers, and everyone else that labours beneath stone and dirt, far in the darkest depths of the world. Lungers are mostly solitary by nature, but when compelled into servitude by a greater force, they gather in great numbers, often for the purpose of ambushing and overwhelming their foes.  

Kiss of Death

It can be extremely hard to detect an approaching lunger as their fleshy and somewhat slimy bodies blend well with the darkened stones and the soil of their native terrain. As a lunger's eyes are sensitive to bright sources of light, they often prefer to strike at whoever bears a torch or lantern, lunging at them from several feet. Their typical method of murder involves going for the face, grabbing a hold of the head with their large razor-sharp teeth as the rest of their body wraps around the victim's neck, crushing the bones beneath. Once their prey begins to fall, the lunger will choose to go for another target or flee.  

Circle of Life

The death that a Lunger of the Depths brings upon unsuspecting miners and explorers is what brings life to their own kind. Once their victim is dead and the killer has feasted, they inject the deceased with dozens of eggs, which will hatch quickly in the warmth. The vicious wormlings will devour the rest of the body, rapidly growing in size before scattering in different directions, searching for fresh targets of their own.

Greatest Foe

The panedur, a people of rock and flesh, have waged war upon the worms since the dawn of time. While a human or alchen neck is soft and fragile, those of the panedur are thick and hardy, able to withstand the force of most lungers. Their foreheads are of stone and gems, crushing their attackers’ teeth. Such traits have filled the lungers with hate and fear, forcing them to unite in greater numbers.
15 - 20 years
Average Length
2 - 5 m

Cover image: Cave of the Lungers by Midjourney


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Oct 5, 2024 20:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Ack! As if caves aren't scary enough on their own!

Emy x
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