Hayashi Ume

林 梅 (formerly Itani - changed to avoid confusion)

I saw what you were trying to do and swear the Council will never approve the likes of you.
— Hayashi Ume to Umeji Tatsuya
The lone female on the League of Guardians Council. She's determined to prove that women can lead just as well as men can, and that just because she wasn't born as a yokai that she can rival anyone on the council with power and cunning—including Soujou-bou himself.   Currently dating Chikawa Eizou. She met him during the Plum Blossom Festival at the Kitano Tenmangu Shrine.  
Slow down the rapid changes happening in the League. Many members are struggling to keep up.
Wants to not rely on humans, especially not Umeji—a former yakuza
Get Soujou-bou to name a second in command. She'd prefer it be herself, but she has a few other recommendations, too.


How does she act when no one is around?
  • makes impossible snowflakes, wonders if she should post them to instagram when she gets a phone
  • goes snowshoeing
  • reads history in the Guardian archives
  • has only a few close yuki onna friends
  • How comfortable are they in nature? What do they notice?
  • Very comfortable in nature, but she prefers the snowy mountain peaks.
  • She notices water, clouds, winter animals, and fall coming.
  • How does she behave at a party?
  • She skirts the room and drinks a bit. She likes getting people drinks and making them cold (for the thank you). Put her in a business meeting though, she's tough as nails.
  • How does she behave when challenged?
  • She goes frigid, physically and outwardly to warn others off. She fights like a cornered cat.
  • How does she handle an emergency?
  • Quick to take charge, if needed.
  • She will likely help humans. But won’t if others are taking care of it or on the way.
  • Virtues
    Willing to change her mind if given good reason
    Not afraid to try new things—just don't overwhelm her with too many of them at once
    Disillusioned with humanity—humans immediately assume she's going to kill them for their ki energy. Fear of that judgement has caused her to develop an eating disorder.
    Quick to judge
    Tends to believe gossip over a person's word
    Rarely wears modern clothes.
    Wears makeup to hide her extremely pale skin
    Whistles tunes when in private


    Loves a good snowball fight
    Classical music
    Ice cream
    Courduroy—it makes too much noise
    Dogs—several hunting packs have been sent after her
    Summer—it gets dangerously warm for her


    Trained for Guardianship under Soujou-bou and Raijin

    Kith and Kin

    Hayashi Tsubaki (yuki onna)
    Unknown (presumed dead)
    Work in Progress

    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article stub serves as a simple definition.


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    Strikingly beauty that hides her dangerous nature. She has high cheekbones, a snow white complexion, and long flowing black hair. She usually dresses blue and white kimono with a red obi sash.
    Meyers Briggs
    Highly skilled in ki use magic
    Whistling haunting tunes
    Causing snow storms to appear out of nowhwere


    Appears In:

    Liminal Chronicles Series bookcover art by Odette.A.Bach and text by Amy Winters-Voss. Short story bookcovers by Amy Winters-Voss

    Cover image: by Odette.A.Bach (Art), AWV (text)
    Character Portrait image: by AWV + MJ


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