
Tatters of darkness flutter past and converge. Dozens of red eyes open and fangs emerge from crooked smiles.
  This species is the embodiment of physical and spiritual uncleanness.   At first, the victim will notice not feeling well, having a rash of bad luck, or negative moods. If the kegare are allowed to grow and multiply, the effects increase and wear down their host as all positive energy is sapped. Those that are can see them often describe kegare as a "dirt ghost".   Kegare spread as easily as the common cold from host to host. So it's vital to keep physically and spiritually clean.  


Formation and Growth

Kegare may always be in existence and simply attracted to physical and spiritual uncleanness. They may also form out of an area of increasing impurity. Which is it? Or is it both? It's a mystery.   In the earliest stage Ki Users can see a dark haziness around the victim. As the kegare feeds, it grows in size and density to a black mass, and gains intelligence. Eventually it turns tangible and will sprout eyes and a mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth. At this point, even non-magic-users may be able to see it.  


Kegare need to be banished through purification, which can take several forms. I'll only mention a few examples. (It may be best to consult with your local Shinto priest.)
  • Ritually rinsing your hands and mouth before visiting a shrine or temple, so you don't bring kegare into the presence of the Kami and the people around you.
  • Having a special ceremony, called Harae, performed for you where a priest waves a rod with special paper streamers over the person to be purified. Chants may accompany the action.
  • Standing under a waterfall while chanting a special verse.
  • Ensuring your space, things, and yourself are tidy and clean.
  • Work in Progress

    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article stub serves as a simple definition.

    Kegare by AVW + MJ
    Scientific Name
    kegare inpurus nubes
    Related Ethnicities
    They feed on decay and uncleanness, in addition to sapping their prey's energy and good fortune.
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    A shield-shaped badge depicting a collection of cozy camping items -- gas stove, teapot, knapsack, teacup, and lantern -- with a ghostly figure hovering in the foreground.

    Spooky Shenanigans Badge 2024 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard/Canva

    Appears In:

    Liminal Chronicles Series bookcover art by Odette.A.Bach and text by Amy Winters-Voss. Short story bookcovers by Amy Winters-Voss

    Cover image: by AWV+MJ


    Author's Notes

    Kegare in Japan is more of a concept than a creature or Yokai. But in Liminal Chronicles I opted to make it a "creature" for plot sake. David Chart did a similar thing in his urban fantasy, Tamao. I tried to differentiate mine by making them a little more creature like with an intelligence.   That said, I'm very aware that I am being creative with an actual belief system in regards to Kegare. So beyond the creaturification, I'm trying to stick pretty close to what I understand to be the real deal.   After learning about Kegare, I've come to think Japan one ups the West in the idea that "cleanliness is next to godliness".   References:

  • The Nature of Kegarë
  • The Kegare Concept
  • Harae

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    Jul 22, 2024 23:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    Ooo, creepy. I love how you've put your own twist on this whilst still remaining respectful.

    Jul 23, 2024 22:46 by Amy Winters-Voss

    Thank you! <3

    Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
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