Soujou-bou's Seal

Then hold out your hand to receive my personal seal. Stay still. It will sting.
— Soujou-bou
  A magical bond is created between Soujou-bou—King of the Tengu—and the one he gives his seal to. He's only given this special mark to members of the League of Guardians. It's a sign of his trust in the recipient and vice versa.   League members have come to expect and rely on the seal's powers, as if it's always a privilege of being a Guardian or Envoy. Soujou-bou has remained silent on the matter, but Hayami Kairi—his head servant—has been heard asking the Tengu King just how long that privilege will last.  

The Seal's Nature

League members have debated whether this is a magical item or a spell. But it is both, because the spell that creates the seal is permanent much like a tattoo. The effect is also much like using a hanko stamp in place of a signature. The seal is unique to Soujou-bou. It can only be removed by the Tengu King himself.   When the debate inevitably starts up again, the Soujou-bou growls at debaters to focus on their jobs, instead of spatting over the nature of magic.   As with any promise type seal, both giver and reciever need to be aware of the powerful magic that will link them for as long as the seal remains.  


Multiple variations exist for various levels in the League. The lines in the design are made of tiny characters that comprise sutra passages.   Below are the known variations. (See League of Guardians Mon Code for symbol meanings.)
  • A fan with the face of a long-nosed great tengu
  • A fan and a dragon
  • A fan and a lion

    Benefits / Powers

    Powers bestowed are CLASSIFIED as per Soujou-bou's order, but he says they are activated by saying his name with intent to utilize the seal.  

    First Sealing

    Raijin was the first member of the League and the first to receive Soujou-bou's seal.  


    Soujou-bou waves his feather fan over the recipients hand. A red glow appears and the symbol appears above the skin then settles into the surface. The recipient will feel a burning sensation.
    Work in Progress

    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article will be expanded in the future.


    This article stub serves as a simple definition.

    Soujou-bou's Seal by AWV + ...


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    Known Recipients
    High ranking League of Guardians members
    Item type
    Very rare. Soujou-bou only gives his seal to those he implicitly trusts—Guardians and Envoys
    1.5 inches/3.8 cm square

    Appears In:

    Liminal Chronicles Series bookcover art by Odette.A.Bach and text by Amy Winters-Voss. Short story bookcovers by Amy Winters-Voss

    Cover image: by AWV + TokioMarineLife


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