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Nymm, the Crown or King Nymm
  Color: Pale yellow
  Associated Dragonmark: Hospitality
  Associated Plane: Daanvi
  Approximate Diameter: 900 miles
  Approximate Mean Distance from Eberron: 95,000 miles
  The golden disk of Nymm is most typically associated with royalty. Those born when Nymm is ascendant are said to be sociable and charismatic, gifted orators and con artists. The halflings of House Ghallanda frequently offer discounted rates at their hostelries on nights when "King Nymm" is in its full moon phase.
  The golden sheen of Nymm only grows more and more blinding as one draws closer. This is caused by a lavish planet-wide palace of obscene opulence and glamor, roofed with gold and walled with marble. It is full of courtiers from throughout Siberspace, here primarily for one reason.
  In Daanvi, the Panopticon features Solars who represent each plane and distributes justice or judgment for the native denizens of those planes. On Nymm, each of these Solars has a mortal representative to handle similar affairs for the denizens of the moons of Siberspace. This includes a representative of Tyrala, the Panoptic Solar who is supposed to be in charge of Dal Quor, who went missing when Dal Quor was severed from Eberron. These representatives, the Astral Council, y enforce the Lunar Code, the rules and code of conduct that govern spelljamming and interlunar travel.
  On landing, visitors are welcomed magnanimously, and given spacious apartments, fine food and drink, and almost every convenience required. But it quickly becomes apparent that, if you actually have business with any of the officials of Nymm, or with the Astral Council, you will find that you are being “handled;” guides and servants of Nymm are happy to help make guests comfortable, or to take them on tours of the many majestic sights and monuments of the palace. But in order to make any progress towards an actual goal, guests must learn to navigate a complex, intricate series of traditions, etiquette, and rituals. One faux pas, one misplaced gesture or word could be enough to send petitioners right back to the beginning of the process.
  However, those who are truly familiar with Nymm recognize that while the Astral Council holds sway over the Lunar Code, the true power on Nymm and the one who can grease the wheels of bureaucracy and pageantry is an entity known as Hastra, the Queen in Gold, the Thinker in the Deep. She controls simulacra to act as a minor official, with the title of the Lady of Interlunar Spaces, but she is the height of royalty and the ruler of the palace. She uses the less-privileged persona to monitor all visitors and assess their threat, or their value. Those who are brought before her true form see an enormous, feminine construct, the pinnacle of modron creation, surrounded by 42 pots of yellow petunias, and her pet kyndori, who floats around her throne chamber. Her answers are said to be infallible, always correct; but to come in her presence is to pay a heavy toll, both in the tasks that she will require and in the mental will and independence. Her true form compels obedience and worship, and those who cannot resist become another one of her servants in the palace. Some say there is an even older presence behind the construct, that it is just a puppet; those who attempt to pry into that secret fall into madness.
  Adventure Hooks:
  • A delegation of Astral Elves from Barrakas has arrived to demand more transit and trade rights in their sphere of influence, as a means of defending themselves from their cousins on Sypheros. As will be detailed later, Barrakas is influenced by Irian, the Eternal Day, and the astral elves who live there are involved in finding anomalies, rocks, and other large objects floating through Siberspace and making them livable and habitable. Meanwhile, the astral elves of Sypheros, associated with Mabar the Endless Night, seek to find these things and salvage them, destroy and consume them to power their civilization. However, this conflict is putting the fey of Rhaan right in the middle of the conflict, and these trade rights would infringe on their territory and sovereignty. During the negotiations, the Barrakan delegation keep turning up mising. The Rhaan delegation is accused of spiriting them away, but by their fey nature and the intrinsic, narrative properties of their home plane of Thelanis, they are confined to the rules of the court and swear innocence. Are they telling the truth? Or are the missing elves sneaking away to do something more devious?
  • During the player’s visit, they are approached by a mute mechagnome petitioner. He lacks the ability to navigate efficiently through the court of Nymm, but he desperately needs to present his case before his Astral Councilor of Therendor before his liberated community on Eyre is scrapped and enlisted for labor by giants from Eyre. Can they successfully navigate the court and plead her case before the deadline? And can they protect him from mysterious assassins, who are revealed to be House Cannith agents?
  • A devil courtier from Daanvi has been discovered making contracts with the staff, and with the introduction of spelljammers from Eberron she is now attempting to make deals with the new outsiders. Her representative approaches the players, promising wealth and influence in return for recruiting more signatories. What is the intention of this pyramid scheme? And can they break it up before it begins spreading across the entirety of Nymm?

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