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Olarune, The Sentinel   Color: Pale orange   Associated Dragonmark: Sentinel   Associated Plane: Lamannia   Approximate Diameter: 950 miles   Approximate Mean Distance from Eberron: 22,500 miles   To the naked eye, the orange disk of Olarune seems to have a slight fringe that vaguely resembles the rim of a shield. The druids say that those born when Olarune is ascendant have a strong bond to community and to order, and a natural desire to protect others; superstition holds that more paladins are born in this month than any other. Scattered lycanthropes, especially weretigers, revere Olarune as a sort of demigoddess-protector.   When approaching the surface of Olarune, it is revealed that the bright orange is a dense canopy of orange, fall colored leaves, with a ring of ice and snow along the equator that forms the rim. It is tidally locked, meaning the same face is always facing Eberron, maintaining that orange shield appearance. The moon is geologically more stable than Zarantyr, but the wide variety of dangerous animals and flora makes establishing a permanent settlement dangerous. The moon's native inhabitants include the ape-like Hadozee, who live in elaborate, multi-level villages and cities in and around the trunks of the giant trees, but some tribes of lycanthropes have filtered through from Lamannia, though the vicious evolutionary forces at work ensured that weretigers are the most populous. Some green dragons have set up lineages here, but surviving past the whelpling stage is difficult even for a dragon, and they are very rare.   The most important resources are the trees themselves, which are as hard and heavy as iron and form the Hadozees' weapons, armor, and tools. As a renewable resource, the Hadozees have used it to craft buildings and objects of amazing durability and beauty.   Adventure Hooks: -Your patron asks you to establish a base in the largest Hadozee city, Dhan Lakadi, and create beneficial relations with its leader, Samajhar. However, on arriving in Dhan Lakadi you find the Hadozees infected with a bizarre, parasitic plant. In order to save the city, and establish a station, you must navigate your way to the central bulb of the plants while avoiding harm to the inhabitants. The twist is that someone in the city planted the bulb as sabotage, either against you or against their own people.   -If the animals of the larger orange fall forest are strong and vicious, the Tusk Beasts of the icy rim are even more so. Few natives of the moon have crossed that tundra area to observe what is on the far side of Olarune. However, recently the Tusk Beasts have been making deeper and deeper incursions into the forest, and the icy rim is encroaching slowly but inexorably. The players are tasked to explore the far side of Olarune, and determine what is causing this expansion, potentially preventing an ice age.  
  • To most casual visitors to Olarune, the ferocious creatures of the undergrowth are a matter of random chance. However, visitors begin to observe animals that are beginning to adapt to the new tactics and abilities of spelljamming adventurers. Strange stone tablets etched with sigils are also beginning to be discovered. Is it possible that the animals did not evolve naturally, that they were created to protect something deep below the planet's surface? And are their creators still alive?

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