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by AI

  Sypheros, the Shadow
  Color: Smoky gray
  Associated Dragonmark: Shadow
  Associated Plane: Mabar
  Approximate Diameter: 1,200 miles
  Approximate Mean Distance from Eberron: 193,000 miles
  Sypheros is a dim moon, and people often find it difficult to spot in the night sky. Recent observations using powerful spyglasses have confirmed that a jagged crack runs down the center of the moon, as if the moon is splitting in two. Many believe that children born in the month of Sypheros inherit a shifty, untrustworthy nature, and parents often seek to time pregnancies to avoid this month. However, the druids say that the children of Sypheros are not evil; rather, they are comfortable with the shadows and can face them without fear.
  The dark, smoky haze of Sypheros is an intimidating obstacle to navigate through, and the sinister reputation of its association with Mabar and darkness makes it a dangerous place to visit. For those who need to be sheltered from prying eyes, though, it is a rare haven. It is a place of “no questions asked,” which applies to refugees sharing what they have to survive persecution from the Xaryxian Empire or the Giff Armada as well as criminals looking to fence off their ill-gotten booty.
  The primary custodians of Sypheros and the most stable representation of civilization has been built up by the astral elves who set up refuges to hide from their brethren on Barrakas, but that doesn’t make them easy to find. They bend light and cast illusions, so many people could walk by an astral elf stronghold without knowing it, or enchanted to turn them subtly off the path or to urgently attend some other errand. Even if visitors can find them, the astral elves are slow to give their trust, and it requires a generous gift of wealth or supplies.
  This is because despite the gift of concealment, Sypheros does extract a constant, unrelenting toll. The atmosphere is slightly malignant, causing increased rates of decay of food, decreased rate of healing, and decreased resistance to disease. Weapons, tools, and buildings deteriorate faster, and it seems like everything is in need of maintenance or repair. As a result, the denizens of Sypheros do have reputations as raiders, as they are forced to scavenge or rob in order to keep up with the devouring clouds of their moon.
  Adventure Hooks:
  • Sypheros has long been a place to hide many secrets, and almost anything could be found secreted away on the moon. Rumors abound of abandoned dragon hoards and giant temples, but when the players stumble upon one of these caches, they find an eldritch engine of such destructive power that it is unsafe in anyone’s hands. Unfortunately, the Karrnathi spelljammers are hot on the party’s heels, and would do anything to get this undefeatable edge and start the next phase of warfare in Siberspace.
  • The mercane of Aryth are generous with their spelljamming helms, but stealing one without their permission reveals a deep-seated ire. When a small fleet of mercane spelljammers arrive and lay waste to a town, the players meet the thief, scrambling to drag the helm to their makeshift spelljammer. Do they risk the wrath of the mercane by helping the thief flee with their crew to safety? Or do they earn the rich reward promised by the mercane and their friendship and turn the thieves in?
  • With the advancement of Eberron’s spelljammers into Siberspace, Sypheros quickly becomes an ideal place for spelljammer captains to engage in subterfuge, not officially sanctioned by their agencies. When the players are contacted by another nation’s captain to negotiate a joint mission, it’s up to them to decide whether the proposed threat is significant enough to work together with a former enemy, or whether it is all an elaborate trap; or whether it would be an opportunity to set up an ambush of their own.

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