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Therendor, The Healer's Moon
  Color: Pale gray
  Associated Dragonmark: Healing
  Associated Plane: Syrania
  Approximate Diameter: 1,100 miles
  Approximate Mean Distance from Eberron: 39,000 miles
  Therendor is the "brother moon" of Barrakas, sharing a similar but narrower orbit with the Lantern Moon. The Serens and druids maintain that natural medicines concocted when Therendor is full and Barrakas is new are more potent than normal. Those born in the month of Therendor are thought to be gentle and empathetic; priests, mediators, and healers often have Therendor as their ascendant moon.
  Therendor may be most hospitable moon nearest to Eberron. The pale grey color is the product of a landscape of flat, orderly prairies of soft, silver grasses. It is here that the largest colonies of Eberron's past explorers have settled, those who lacked the ambition to push further into Siberspace. Towns and villages filled with giants, humans, and celestials live simple lives of farming and trade. The peace is more fragile than it initially appears, however, as the Absolute Peaceproperty of the plane of Syrania is not fully present. As a result, tranquility is strictly enforced by a lineage of deadly assassins named the Martivira. Villages that fail to get along quietly vanish, no longer there the next time a caravan comes along or a festival occurs.
  It is on Therendor that the first evidence of the Aventan spelljammers are found. The humans present are descended from explorers from Aventus, a powerful empire ruled by sorcerer kings that once ruled over a kingdom southwest of Sarlona. An unknown catastrophe cast the kingdom into the sea, but according to the natives of Therendor a great armada of spelljammers escaped towards the stars. No human on Therendor knows what caused the disaster, but they speak of spelljammers from the Aventan fleet spreading knowledge of the technology to the other moons, and some visit occasionally in order to trade or gather supplies. No one knows why they haven't gone closer to Eberron; perhaps they lost the knowledge of how to travel back through the Ring of Syberis, or the path they used no longer exists.
  Adventure Hooks:
  • As one of the first exposures to the older tradition of spelljamming, your patron is keen on learning more about how they are made, how they function. One of the villages speaks of an old ship that crashed a few years ago a few leagues from town. When it's found, it is discovered to be a nautiloid vessel. But where have the mindflayers gone? Why did they crash? Where did they even come from?
  • One of the Martiviri approaches the players with assistance to take down a particularly violent individual. He's known only as Jakk Leggum, but the hill giant farmers of the region speak his name with dread. Anyone willingly targetting giants seems like beyond the assassin's ability to take down solo, so the players must help find a suspect and take down a giant killer.
  • An Aventan flying fortress suddenly rips free from the earth, and begins unleashing warforged-like creatures upon the inhabitants of Therendor. All such fortresses were supposed to have been destroyed; how did one reach this moon? How did they obtain these warforged? And can it be stopped or destroyed before it obliterates life off the face of the moon?

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