Entry 3


Tonight started with a meteor shower, it was beautiful although the impact sounds scared me in a start. Some meteors where so nearby the island that I feared they might hit the lighthouse, didn't feel too secure the lighthouse so I quickly opened the eye ans stayed outside all night.

I spent the night taking care of the garden I made with the seeds a bird gifted me a couple of nights ago, I can already see it start growing.

I think it was about midnight when a silence invaded the island. I could still see the impacts of the meteors, but not hear them. Even my movements and all I did was silent, nor even my heartbeat could be heard or my lungs breathing. I feared I had died. The silence persisted until the day arrived.

When the sound returned and I entered the house, ready to sleep, I saw that some stuff was moved from where I left it. There was also the remains of a meal I never had or did. Am I really alone? I feel this should have worried me more than it did but I was so glad the sound came back that I was feeling very calmed. I hope this other... being is friendly...


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