Entry 5


A brisk solar wind was screaming around the island, it woke me up before the night arrived and it started giving me a headache. I walked past Echo's room and it was empty, didn't take much attention to it and went outside to water the plant. The little seed that I found a few days ago had grown! After watering the plant, I went back inside.

First thing of the night had to be opening the lighthouse, and so I did after a couple of tries. I didn't feel like going outside anymore, it was already loud enough inside. I looked through all the lighthouse and saw no sight of Echo, perhaps they went back to their ship?

I decided to stay on top of the lighthouse, it seemed to be the place less loudy somehow. At some point I saw a bird flying straight to the lighthouse. At first I panicked, thinking it would crash into the room, but it flew past the walls of the room, as if it was not a physical being.

I had a lot of time to think tonight (or at least as much as the screaming wind allowed me). I don't know much about my past –if i ever had one– but I don't think I should worry about that. It makes my chest hurt a bit trying to ignore my past but I doubt I can do anything, so I need to learn more about this island and get used to this –perhaps the previous keepers might have left some notes I didn't found yet?– and I still have to talk with Echo about this place.


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Jul 9, 2023 21:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the art and the story so far. <3

Jul 10, 2023 08:29 by Catoblepon

Thank you! <3

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