Entry 6


I found a machine in the kitchen of the lighthouse that makes a delicious warm drink. Well, it actually makes two different ones? One is supposed to help stay awake on the nights and the other one is simply a warm and cozy drink (I found a note next to the machine explaining how it works). I am drinking the cozy one -hot cocoa- while looking at the weird rain outside, it seems to be beating at the rhythm of my heart, so strange.

Today it took me a bit to open the eye, it felt as if it wanted to keep staying asleep, not wanting to work. I also didn't want to get out of bed today, it was so warm and the house feels so cold because I'm the only person here.

Between the clouded sky, I keep seeing small parts of what feels like a wall, or sometimes a tower. Is there a castle on the sky? A tower? Are the clouds part of a diferent island, like mine? Maybe, when Echo is back, they can take me to visit these places and meet new people, but if they do so, who would take care of the lighthouse? Is it okay to leave it closed for a night or two? I need to spend more time trying to find some notes, instructions, or anything about this place.



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Nov 23, 2023 15:18 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Hot cocoa is so cosy. <3

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