Entry 7

It took me a bit to open the eye today, I was a bit distracted staring at the outside. It was a clear night, I could see stars everywhere I looked, but at the same time, it was snowing a cold dust that each one shined in different colours. It was like a light show and I loved it.

I went outside the lighthouse to check it better, it looked even more beautiful, but it was cold, and my clothes weren't warm enough for the cold, so I stayed inside. The lighthouse was running well and it was a calm night, so I decided to tidy up a bit the lighthouse, especifically, there was a pile of papers in the living room that I wanted to check to either keep or throw away... I still need to ask Echo what I'm supposed to do with the trash...

I spent most of the night with it but divided all the papers in different smaller piles:

  • The unknown writing - papers that were written in a language I can't read or was written in strange signs.
  • The drawings - papers filled with different arts of different styles. I wonder if this is all from the same past keeper or if they have been piling up from different keepers.
  • The blank papers - i'll keep these in case I ever need papers.
  • The eye notes - these papers seem to be a compilation of steps to follow if the eye ever breaks. I'm keeping them, obviously, but I pray I never have to use them.
  • The sightings - papers that have notes and small drawings or schematis of things that have been seen in the starry sky.

  • After finishing to divide the pile of papers and putting the new smaller piles into places that I won't forget them, I heard a knock on the door. As I am now writing down the night's event, I realize that I should have probably be a bit more confused or scared as of why there was a knock on the door, after all, I'm supposedly alone on this island. But in the moment, I went straight to open the door after stopping a moment to grab a blanket. To my surprise, Echo was on the door, with a big smile and box with holes on the sides. A gift, so I don't feel too lonely.

    The gift was a small gryphon, barely bigger than my head. Echo said that they were loyal creatures that, if you managed to gain enough trust from them, you'll be able to speak with them. They also mentioned that they were sorry for leaving without warning but that they had gotten an emergency call.

    They are now asleep in the spare bedroom and I've been trying to gain the trust of the little gryphon for a bit but he decided to also go to sleep and stole a spot on the living room's sofa. I happy that Echo is back, and I really hope I can get some answers from Echo this time. It's so nice of them to have brought something so I don't feel lonely, but I wonder if that means they will spend more and more time away from the island...


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    Nov 23, 2023 15:19 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    A baby gryphon!

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