Vera - Rockskull Monarch



Giant's fingerbone
Never used, kept only as memento.
Sinnew Whip
Upgraded with shards from the skull of the deceased Giant King Kohln.
Pendant of Sallow's Ward
Gift from Blethine of Sallow, close friend to Vera.


Shattered-Spine Magus
Annoying fight but barely a challenge.
Scroll-Grafted Scion
Longest fight fought, Rockskull magi are annoying to fight because their magic, their queen is not less annoying.
The Unpassed
Quick combat, Vera took a suprise attack at the start of it but afterwards, the Unpassed didn't feel like much of a fight.
Six-Skulled Serpent
Too many mouths to avoid but after a close combat, Vera reached the Rockskull crown.


Author's Notes

Article based on character for my run of You died by Giles Penfold. It is a solo soulslike TTRPG using the Caltrop Core system.

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