Honey | Lost Waves


There are a few different species of bees known to produce honey. A handful of them are cultivated in various areas of Ailion and beekeepers are often a sign of a well-off population. Good honey can fetch a good price and merchants able to trade in it can make quite a coin.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Across the cultures where honey is common, it's used to sweeten both food and drink. If other sugars or fruits are rare, making mead from honey is usually the go-to. In areas where the substance is more limited, it is often considered an important part of a feast.   Some say that honey can cure various ills that might befall a person. There certainly seem to be some truth to this when it comes to lighter infections, but folk traditions often take this much farther. Honey is placed on wounds for them to heal, on the eyelids to cure cataract, and even on the head or over the heart to alleviate mental illness. Enough rumours of success flourish for many to hope it might work for them.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Honey is often associated with Amaunator - the sun god. Even besides the obvious symbolism with the colour, the strict society in a hive where everyone fulfils their part for the common good speaks to the god's ideals. This has also led to it being treated as holy in many of his churches as well as throughout the Sh'areen Caliphate.   Within the Caliphate, it is common practice to anoint new-born with a tab of honey on the forehead to show how Amaunator's light touches them. In eras past, the richest of the rich were embalmed using honey, and the sugar-rich substance mummified them. While the evidence is scarce, some say that this allows the god to prevent anyone from disturbing the body. Common ceremonies rarely include honey as it's uncommon enough to be very valuable. However, even in the Caliphate, major celebrations to the sun god includes foods infused with holy honey.
Smooth, sweet, and depending on the kinds of bees and the flowers where they live.
From a sunny yellow to a dark golden brown.


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