Order of Soma Organization in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Order of Soma

This order is focused on honing one's body. It considers one's physical form to be a representation of one's spiritual form, and without seeking perfection of the first, one can not reach perfection with the second. While the training includes meditation and exercises in focusing the mind, the core of their teachings is about making the body stronger, more agile, and more durable.   Members of the order are mostly monks focusing on such teachings as the Way of the Open Hand, but there are also some mystics following the Order of the Avatar. There are also some more spiritual-minded fighters and some paladins without any allegiance to a specific god.


The order has an almost military structure, with no one being able to rise in rank without performing some physical feat and showing their adherence to the tenets of the order. Each grade has absolute control of those below them, and it's not uncommon to order surprise drills and exercises to harden everyone.

Public Agenda

The outward appearance of the group is that of self-fulfilment for the sake of perfection. However, they are also very proficient combatants, and donations to the order are useful for convincing some of them to act as elite special forces. And should anyone threaten one of their monasteries, they would likely face overwhelming resistance.
Founding Date
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Order of the Body


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