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Bruun: The man who ended it all.   His significance to the world is resounding, yet nobody knows his name.   His origins are unkown. He came from the Lantron Wastes, moving west into the country of Reshka. In the marshes of Lantron, he may have ran into the The Lady of Lantron Marsh, which fueled his distraught state.   Some say that he ran with the bears of Reshka before his duties to the forest's state. Whatever the case, the man was barely there and Eren Dresmer made quite the mistake hiring him -purely from a place of desperation.   Bruun put his time in with the party, taking place in the quest to save Reshka known as the Arrival of Prist. Unfortunately during this quest he made a mistake and triggered The Shatter  . From there his life was forfeit- given over to The Overseer for eternity.   The Lady of Lantron Marsh played vital roles in the upbringing of both Gendrick Prist and Bruun. Some say she was the true influence behind The Shatter  . That it was her plan all along to bring two chaotic forces together under the direction of two Provincial Lords.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bruun was well in shape, with agility and strength take down any decent fighter. He was covered in dirt and grime, however, and many of his snacks came from the bugs of his hair. This hair was also covered in mud, sometime to the point where it was hard to recognize him as a man.

Body Features

Bruun was a lanky man. He had tan skin that was never not covered in dirt and mud. The color of his skin with the dirt aided a certain camouflage technique.

Facial Features

Just like the rest of his body, Bruun's face was covered in the same packed dirt and mud. He seemed to have some amount of freckles, but that could have just been spots of dirt that made his face more textured.

Identifying Characteristics

His large head of hair was the easiest way to identify him. It grew all around his head like a large tree, and was filled with bugs of varying sizes. It was jet black, with streaks of brown from mud, and looked incredibly haggard.

Physical quirks

His body was a fairly normal size, it was just that big head of hair that made him stand out from the crowd. His dirt was tolerable - just another man from the Lantron Wastes. But the untamed and forever growing hair was unique, and never not a surprise to those who saw him.

Special abilities

Bruun had the special ability to turn anything into a weapon. In fact, the action that caused the shatter was through the use of a door as a weapon. He has been known to use anything from sticks to bodies, due to a surprising level of strength. This was his strong suit. Nobody knows where he learned it, but it was effective.

Apparel & Accessories

Bruun wore very little clothes. His leather shorts had enough pockets to carry all that he needed, and he carried no weapons with him. All of his weapons were improvised on the spot. That said, he wore no shirt. Just dark brown leather shorts that covered his waist to his knees.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bruun had seen many things in his time, at least one could guess. What appeared to be a man who was once developed, educated, and mature was instead a man who could form not a sentence, nor did he have any control over his internal pressures.    Born somewhere in the Lantron Wastes he was found by the The Lady of Lantron Marsh. The true nature of this meeting is unkown, but one could easily guess that whatever occurred directly impacted the future of Bruun's mental state.    He left that meeting a new man, and not for the better. He was overcome with a wild urge for food and wandered into the Reshkan forests as a result. There he was taken in by bears. Taught to fight by them, taught to eat like them. He lived in their stead for many years until he eventually wandered into the Reshkan capital and got tied up in the Arrival of Prist.    The rest is history.

Gender Identity

Although Bruun never specifically shared his identity outright, he was often seen talking to himself and referring to himself with masculine pronouns - even calling himself a "full-on man".


Bruun was never known to have any relationship, nor any sexual preference


If Bruun had any education before his meeting with The Lady of Lantron Marsh, it is not evident. It is also unlikely, as education in Lantron marsh is basically completely unavailable. The poor chap had no options from his birth, and his future was painted a similar result


Bruun was never employed for his entire life. Labeled as a 'wanderer', he spent his years doing what he pleased for better or for worse. The only employment that he ever was able to obtain was the job that Eren Dresmer sent him on. This is, of course, the job that got him killed.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bruun had three chapters in his life. This was the meeting with The Lady of Lantron Marsh, his survival with the bears, and his downfall to causing the shatter. Each of these pieces of his life was integral in ruining his mind a little further, until he couldn't resist the taste of the flesh for even a few second.

Failures & Embarrassments

Bruun's biggest failure was his sparking of The Shatter  . This resulted in the deaths of thousands, completely by his own hands.

Mental Trauma

Nobody knows what happened in his meeting with The Lady of Lantron Marsh, but it left his mind broken for the rest of his short life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Bruun's thoughts are commanded by only one thing: the fulfillment of his hunger. Theories suggest that Bruun was subject to eternal hunger, and therefore was always on the hunt for more food. This search for food was his downfall, as it inspired his killing of the Boundary guard that started The Shatter .

Morality & Philosophy

Bruun believes that all things are equal in that they are flesh worth consuming. It doesn't matter if it is a snail, a Bigreon, or a strong man. Meat is meat and meat is tasty. Something inspired him to join the quest to take down Gendrick Prist. Maybe his only love was truly to the forest. Maybe he just wanted more food. Nobody can say for certain.


Bruun didn't seem to have any lines that he couldn't cross. His mind was bent on killing for supplement - and supplement was what he always needed. Nobody ever saw him hesitate to kill. That is to say, when he was told not to he stopped his actions, but if nobody said anything the kill was as good as anything.    Maybe his only love was to the people who talked to him, and this is why he listened. Maybe he just was a compliant man.

Personality Characteristics


The sole desire inside of Bruun was food. He wanted to eat. If there was any other desire it was not immediately clear. Some speculate on the fact that he joined the party during the Arrival of Prist, saying that he was motivated by something more than just food. If it was a love for the forest, a comfort in new friends or just to find more food - nobody can say.


Contacts & Relations

The only ties he ever had was during the The Arrival of Prist, in which he traveled with a band of other adventurers. Whether he liked them, its hard to tell, and he never got the chance to express his appeal either way.

Wealth & Financial state

Bruun was a wanderer who most likely never made a penny in his life. He just wandered the lands and hunted food for his own benefit.
Current Status
In the Hands of The Overseer
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of Casus
Date of Death
66th of Grandatio
1527 1568 41 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Taken by The Overseer after initiating The Shatter
Place of Death
Dark Brown
Curly and large - covered in all kinds of small life
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Skin, either from mud or his pigment
Quotes & Catchphrases
"food?" -Bruun
All things are meant to be eaten
Known Languages
Bruun knew barely any languages, hardly knew common. He spoke in phrases of no more than seven simple words and his favorite word was food.

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