Crow Feather

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I didn't think much when I found the crow feather in my room. Of course I knew what it meant, but I didn't expect anyone to actually follow through with it. I thought it was a prank, or just another attempt at intimating me, but they actually went through with it. The same evening, somebody tried to poison me.
  Crow Feathers are often used as a symbol of the Lady of Crows, and hold significance in many cultures across the world. In big parts of Abonaria and the Golden Coast receiving a single crow feather is considered a death threat, while in Meisian and Asteri crow feathers are used during their respective burial rites.   Some cultures also use crow feathers in the context of fate and destiny. In Abonaria, it is common for children to receive a wreath of wheat with a single crow feather woven into it, when they leave home, signifiying that the parents have released the child on the path of their destiny. The people around Wesaris take this concept one step forward, as the child is expected to gift the crow feather to their partner once they marry, showing their newly intertwined destiny.   In many cultures and faiths it is illegal to pluck a feather from a living crow, as that would be considered violating the sacred animal of the Lady of Crows. Therefor, most crow feathers used in rituals have to be found in the wild. Depending on the situation, finding a crow feather in the wild can be considered a good or bad omen. If you've been looking for one, for one of the rituals, it's considered a show of destiny to go on with your plans, but if you just find one at random, it's considered a ill omen and a reminder of the Lady that death is inevetiable.
Work in Progress

This article is still heavily WIP and can change at any moment

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Aug 11, 2024 21:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I can see some cross-culture misunderstandings happening if someone is trying to propose with a feather but the other takes it as a death threat.   Do crows in Lothrea ever get annoyed with people picking up their feathers like they do in real life? Like, is it wise to leave an offering for the crows in its place?   Really interesting article.

Aug 24, 2024 06:44

Thank you! And yeah, I can see some cultural misunderstandings happening here as well. On the other hand, if you are proposing to someone, you should know them good enough to know how they react to being gifted a crow feather :D   I haven't really thought about the crows getting annoyed, but it's a really good point. So yes, you probably should leave some offerings for the crows in its place. I'll have to add that to the article once the award ceremony has happened

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